
Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Season

Been a busy holiday season! Hence the infrequent posts...errr sorry!

Here are a few photos of what I've been doing. Mainly a nice blend of cheesy holiday tourist stuff (Bryant Park tree, Rockerfeller Center tree, Saks Window peeping, Peppermint Mocha-twist sipping, etc.) also some work functions mixed in and lots of shopping, baking (ok I'm lying about the baking, but I WANT to do some!) and lots of stress! I seem to always get really stressed this time of year no matter what is going on. It always seems like I have a million things to do and I freak out (I "freak out" alot...).

Anyway, I was snowed in tonight, just hanging out and catching up, so I figured I'd do the recap thing. Also, I just wrote a guest blog post to be appearing soon on my bosses blog Not sure when it will be up, but keep checking's a fun read!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twitter, Facebook, Digg: Can You Join Too Many Networks?

Twitter, Facebook, Digg: Can You Join Too Many Networks?

Great article! Yay for new media...enjoy :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have been adding new blogs to my RSS feeder for about 2 hours now. My boyfriend just called me out on the phone. He claimed I was holding the phone in one hand and scrolling through websites with the other--not entirely true--I had the phone balanced on my shoulder and was using both hands to read the latest on Mashable and Geeksugar... ;)

I think I have a newfound love of tech gadgets...I decided I must have one of these (see above, still learning about picture placement...) Calling Steve Jobs, I would gladly accept an early x-mas present :)

As of this moment, I have accounts on:

Linked In
Myspace (is anyone using this anymore?)

I'm sure there's I missing any good ones??

My next steps (gotta save some excitement for the weekend) are to upload a bunch of photos to Flickr and possibly some video to Vimeo. Stay tuned :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

A parade, a move, a movIE and lots of pumpkin bread...

This is my first blog post from what I'm calling a "change of venue." I am temporarily living at my parent's winter home (ok it's their summer, fall, and spring home too, but doesn't it sound more glamorous that way??). I have decided to move in here because a) my former roommates wanted to move (without me, more or less) b) I couldn't afford much of a place on my own and c) I'm hoping my next move lands me in the 212 area code as a resident and not just a frequent guest...

So in between turkey, the parade, and the holiday shopping frenzy, I made the journey back home...with a little (ok A LOT) of help from loved ones...

I'm hoping the peace and simpleness of home will give my mind and body the rejuvenation and motivation I need to get to work on fulfilling all my life's dreams and "to-do before I'm 30" items...

What else did I do on this long and much needed weekend? I went to the Macy's Parade for the first time ever. Reaction? Fun, a must-do once sorta thing, a warm and fuzzy feeling activity, especially if you're with someone you feel warm and fuzzy about. Suggestion to Mr. Macy--the "celebrities" should wear signs or something, I couldn't tell the Jonas Brothers from ummm, other people, especially when they weren't performing in front of me.

I also took in a flick this weekend with the mom. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. One word-Haunting. If you haven't seen it, you should, if you can stand a depressing, core-shaking movie, but one that like my mom said, needs to be seen. After it ended the theater was literally silent for a good five minutes and no one spoke or moved. Can't remember the last time I saw that happen...

It's Monday night, I've watched my Gossip Girl, shopped online, read some blogs, and now it's lights out...tomorrow is a new day, I've got lots of work to do, but I'm hoping this will be a good week!

Friday, November 21, 2008

If Grey's Anatomy was on Twitter, I'd Un-follow it!

I think Grey's has officially lost me as a viewer. Fornication with a ghost?? Come on ABC, you gotta do better than that...

Lately TV shows have been really going downhill in my opinion. Between the ridiculous overabundance of *reality* shows to the un-funny comedies and un-dramatic dramas you gotta wonder what happened to the really great shows of our youth (dating myself) like Full House, Step by Step, 90210, My-So Called Life and then later Friends, Seinfeld, Sex and The City, etc.

What shows are truly worth watching these days? My list for the moment...

Brothers and Sisters
Gossip Girl (XOXO)
The NEW 90210 (although so not as good)
The Office
The Rachel Maddow Show (MSNBC)
SNL (it definitely made a come back during the elections!)

Shows that got cut short that I miss:

American Dreams (anyone?)
Friday Night Lights (I think this is still on somewhere on some channel...?)

And yes, this is my second post in like 5's Friday night, I'm bored...and sipping some wine...sue me...

Just one of those days...

Actually one of those weeks...

Things that *stunk* about this week:

Train Derailments
Trade shows
Cold weather
No heat
Ripped jackets
Broken heels
Lost purses (temporarily, thank gosh!)
and...possibly no home-cooked turkey dinner for thanksgiving due to a family emergency :(

What do you think folks, eat out or *attempt* to cook it myself?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday is the new Sunday...

So Sunday night used to be my night of "Allie time." I enjoyed spending hours on the computer reading gossip blogs, friend's blogs, newspapers from around the country, updating my status on facebook and twitter and linkedin and...I'm a dork! Anyway, I am the type of gal that likes some alone time every now and then to be all deep with my thoughts, to make mental to-do lists, plan my week's outfits, balance my checkbook etc. But lately, my weekend's have been extended through Sunday and I have been spending this sacred night with someone else. A big step for me!

This weekend found me at a dinner with all my co-workers (well almost all of them...our token male and our favorite upstater were greatly missed!) to honor my boss as potential Blogger of the Year at the Stevie Awards for Women in Business at the Marriott Marquis. We were all pretty psyched for an evening of wining and dining at a fancy hotel and the chance to cheer on our boss. We arrived at the event and were handed stick-on name tags and a Sharpee...ummm can you say tacky? IF you are going to ruin our pretty outfits with a name badge it had better be magnetic so it doesn't leave a hole or even worse, A STICKY RESIDUE on our fabulous clothes! And no fancy calligraphied (is that a word?) pre-made, strike 1, Stevies, strike 1...

I headed straight for the bar (what I assumed was an open bar) because hey, it was Friday and I needed some vino bad!

Bartender: Sorry you need a drink ticket miss
Me: Oh where are they giving those away (note I said giving, not selling)
Bartender: You can PURCHASE them right there (pointing)
Me: ohhhh....

11 dollars later I had my glass of wine and the Stevie's had 2 strikes against them!

The rest of the evening was pretty cool...a few highlights...

a) not only did the boss not win, they didn't even give her a shoutout because she wasn't "international." Apparently the journey through the midtown tunnel during a rainy rush hour doesn't qualify for a mention. Shoutout here: Read this!

b) food was average, dessert was pretty good, I discovered I like Flan! And the wine was flowing a lot more freely during the dinner and awards presentation...

c) We ended the night at Johnny Utah's, which scores points for a really cool general manager, a cute bartender at the "secret" back bar and a really good atmosphere for making a fool out of yourself on a mechanical bull = very funny!

Rest of the weekend I vegged out, made brownies, ate brownies, saw Role Models (FUNNY!) and vowed to be cooler next weekend...oh yeah and write know, maybe start the winning novel or something...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fear and Loathing in NY

Everyone is freaking out about the economy! I can't take it anymore! And PS, how come the really rich never seem affected?? No fair! At our firm, we are trying to stay positive. We are getting a lot of new business leads, but closing NOTHING. Everyone is scared. One guy today told us that he didn't have the "cajones" to sign a contract with us before the new year. And yeah, he said cajones, however you spell it!

I just flipped on the TV, Jay Leno is spewing economy jokes left and right. Literally, he just told like 15 in a row, what the hell??

My mom told me last night that they got rid of the cleaning service at her job to save money and they are all taking turns with the chores. What?? Is this what the Great Depression felt like?

Luckily two of my favorite things, sleep and laughter, will always be free! Until they figure out how to make money grow on trees, I guess I'll be thankful for the simple things...sigh...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


While I wasn't cool enough to be invited anywhere important to "live blog," I figured I would at least do my own thing as I watch the fate of the nation unfold. In my Nyquil induced haze (go away winter cold!) I am dizzily fixated to the news like I'm sure most Americans are.

A few observations this Election Day:

Scared by awaking to the images of block-long lines at the polls in NYC, I was hesitant to head to the polls in my current town of Long Beach, until I came to the sad but true realization that far too many Long Beach locals don't vote. I know from first-hand experience that many educated young people in this laid back beach town don't care at all about things as trivial as who runs our country...did someone say ignorant? I thought the polls were closed when I showed up at my polling place to find no line at 7pm...literally NO line, as in, there were like 2 other people there! Haha, watching the guy in front of me try to pull his curtain closed until a "booth monitor" told him to "use the lever" was an amusing highlight to my voting experience. Clearly a first timer :)

This brings me to my next observation, which is really more of a statement in general on the archaic nature of our voting procedure. These days, when you can pay bills online, transfer money online etc., you would think they would come up with a way to transition the voting process online. Maybe 2012??

Finally, I am just excited and anxious to see what the future holds with a new leader and a new start. I would like to think that my vote counted, and that by pulling that lever, I was honoring all those woman who fought so hard for this right. When I wake up tomorrow, will our nation have changed history forever with the nation's first black president? This is the stuff history books are made of people...happy election day!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm over it...

So I think I may have grown out of least until I have some kiddies to dress up in cute, fuzzy, non-slutty, non-scary costumes.

I clearly remember Halloween being my favorite holiday as a child. The costumes, the silly string, the fun with friends, oh yeah and the enormous pile of candy that lasted for weeks! My brother and I used to pour all our loot out on the kitchen floor and then engage in intense trading and deal making until we both had the perfect stash of treats. Other fond Halloween related memories include the annual Charlie Brown Pumpkin special, carving jack-o-lanterns and cooking the seeds (oh yeah, and crying when the neighborhood hoodlums would smash my favorite pumpkin right off on our porch!) and drinking apple cider and homemade cookies.

Somehow over the years, Halloween has moved down on my list to maybe a notch above, say, Secretary's Day (no offense to celebrators of this holiday). Once I outgrew the trick or treating, I still enjoyed wearing grunge clothes out on Halloween night armed with as many bottles of shaving cream as my mom would allow and spending the night with friends. College brought about new meaning to the holiday, where elaborate parties and costumes that began with the word "naughty" or "sexy" became the only acceptable ones. I remember trying my best not to conform, borrowing a friends karate outfit one year, and going as a hippie another.

This year, as I braved the streets of NYC as a "librarian," I found myself wishing more than once that I was curled up by a fireplace sipping spiced cider and handing out mini snickers to ballerinas and pirates. Am I getting jaded, or just old?

I had a fun night, first going to a costume party, and then a local pub in Soho (after getting turned away from the bar we had planned on going to for arriving too late). I saw some funny costumes, shared some beers and laughs with my friends and took silly photos, but between the lack of cabs, my painful shoes and the crowded streets and bar counters, I think I may sit next year out--have I become a Halloween scrooge? You decide!

Edits and Updates

Papa Zog pointed out a few grammatical errors to me in my previous post so rest assured they will fixed and I will be proofing more carefully from now on! Although i still stand by my belief that it's ok to be a little unedited in these things, I don't want any future client, colleague or otherwise thinking that I am not on point... so from now, I will do a once over before hitting "publish post"...happy dad? :)

As I'm sure the world has heard since my last post about the missing school teacher, she tragically was found dead, her husband facing murder charges. The story is chilling to me. I just can't see how a person is capable of murder, especially to someone they claimed to once love. It's scary that some people can snap without warning. From what I have read and heard both on the news, and first hand from people at her place of work, she was an amazing teacher and person. My thoughts are with her family...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On a more serious note

This story is especially disturbing to me for two reasons.

Missing Teacher from Bethpage, Long Island

One, it's close to home, real close. She's about my age, and she was in a situation I could have just as easily been in. Two, she teaches at a school that is a client of ours. Very sad--please pray for her safety and if you have any information please do the right thing!

Media Advisory--PR girls don't eat dessert!

So a couple of months back I attended a Publicity Club of NY luncheon and "jokingly" poked fun at the crowd of coiffed, predominantly female attendees. Well yesterday, I revisited the scene and quickly saw that I wasn't the only one who observed the unusual habits of the "NYC PR girl."

Generally at these types of luncheons, you get served a nice chicken dish, maybe even a steak if you're lucky, and usually some sort of generic cake/pie/ice cream type desert. Not gonna lie, I always eat the desert! Interestingly, I believe I might be the only one in PR that does. This month's luncheon served up possibly the most healthy meal ever placed in front of me. Appetizer--lettuce with possibly a dash of some sort of vinaigrette, Main Course--steamed veggies, boiled potatoes and what I guess was poached salmon? (PS, I loathe salmon...), "Desert" (And I use that term loosely)--3 blueberries and a strawberry. Oh yeah, and the Diet Coke was in full effect, but regular Coke had been pulled from the table all together!

Now don't get me wrong, I fully attended this luncheon for the panelists and networking, and very much enjoyed their discussion and helpful hints, and as a former waitress, I am grateful for any nice meal that is prepared and served to me, but I just had to comment on the hilarity of the menu and beverage choice for the crowd of nearly all young women with "small appetites." I bet the few men in the room left there hungry!

This got me wondering why there are so few men in the business. Even in my own office, the women outnumber the men by a lot (A LOT!) It doesn't seem like a girly profession to me, anyone have any thoughts on this?

Oh yeah, and once again, even though I was furiously taking notes about potential blog topics during the luncheon, I was also gaining valuable insight into the pitching preferences of journalists. One thing was clear, phone calls are out, emails are in. All five editors and writers on the panel agreed that they rarely even answer their office phones and never listen to voicemails. I guess the days of call sheets and rehearsed pitches are over. In this digital world, a short, compelling email that positions your client as a "gotta have it" story seems like the way to go. One thing that was interest to me though, was that most of the panelists DID NOT enjoy the follow up email. My colleagues and I have always thought this was a great way to stay fresh in a writers mind and to give them a gentle reminder to get in touch. So now I'm torn, to follow up or not to follow up, that is the question...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Had some time to think this weekend on my own, which almost always leads to over-analyzation (is that a word) on all subjects...I guess it's the writer in me...

Last weekend I was in my often mentioned favorite town of Newport, RI. I am adding my first pictures to this blog (if it works) to try and capture how truly serene it is there for those of you who have not been.

While there, I of course had a momentary mental crisis in which I questioned why I ever left such a peaceful existence and the easy living of a writer by day, waitress by night, party girl by late night, life. As I sat at the bar at my old place of work, seeing far less familiar faces than my last visit, I realized that it was the right decision to move on. My NY life is sometimes filled with stress, money woes, traffic and more stress but it is also filled with excitement, motivation, a meaningful career, new friends and relationships and a dream of fame and fortune (fingers crossed).

Lately though, I'll admit, I've been feeling a little friendless. Not in the pathetic, I literally have no friends way, just in the fact that I don't have all that many close friends around me in NY these days, and I don't have a giant group that I roll with like I did back in the day. I guess that is a part of growing up. Friends get married, have children, move, and that giant posse of ever-ready to party pals becomes a lot smaller. You begin to hang with couples (if your a couple) or work friends, or friends of convenience, but sometimes you just really miss your old friends.

I guess I am not the only one who feels this way though. Recently an old best friend from college who I lost touch with (she lives in Chicago now) contacted me. It brought on an email chain between old friends that went on for about 200 emails in the past couple of weeks between 10 or 12 friends who are now spread all over the country and doing all sorts of things. A big reunion is now set for December in NY and a spring trip to include even more of us is brewing. Yay for old friends reuniting!

Sometimes on the flip side, you just grow apart from people who may have once been close to you. You change or grow, they don't, or vice-versa, but if they were really as important to you as you thought, then you learn to accept the differences. If not, then you move on, appreciate the friendship for what it was and look forward to making new friends and cherishing the ones that will remain forever...

On a final, and completely off-topic note--Congrats to my boss, Hilary Topper for being chosen as a finalist for Blogger of the Year by the Stevie Awards. Check out her blog at And yes, that is me with the giant cookie from my darling boyfriend :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday night

Just a quick post because I'm having my usual Sunday night anxiety/insomnia after a sweet fall weekend, complete with wine tasting, apple pie, and one of those two hour walks on the boardwalk talking about everything from religion to black socks with white sneakers (everyone knows this is a major fashion faux paus right??)

As I was checking my emails, paying my bills, looking at my planner for the week's agenda, and watching my Sunday night shows, I remembered that we were assigned "homework" just before the 5 o'clock whistle on Friday at work. Panic has now set in, as it did so many times before, in Jr. High, High School, College...wait did I ever really do homework??

Anyway, I digress. Seeing how it is now 11:42 pm and counting, I am faced with a dilemma I have had MANY times before. Do I try and do it now, when I'm tired (although apparently not too tired to write this while simultaneously watching a Two and Half Men rerun on the CW) or do I set my alarm early and do it in the morning? Odds are pretty good that I will hit snooze 2-3 times, then take an extra long shower, change my outfit 4 times and show up to my morning staff meeting flustered, unprepared and praying that I don't get called on.

A less serious Allie may have rolled the dice with the quick, morning homework scramble, but this Allie is doing it now, I promise! Tired or not...

Speaking of other Allie's, stay tuned for my latest "other" Allie Herzog story...our paths have crossed...I wonder if I'll get my domain name back now? :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

My first sports blog (kinda)

Following in the footsteps of my dad (the original zog blogger) read on for about as close to sports writing as I can get...

Out of all the teams that were the topic of MANY discussions between the men of my house growing up, the Yankees were always the most talked about. I knew from an early age that the Yankees were sacred to my dad and my bro and of course, I became a fan by default. I think the first game I ever went to was when I was invited to tag along on one of my brother's traditional birthday outings to Yankee Stadium. I don't remember much about the game, but I remember feeling a part of something magical...oh yeah and lots of traffic getting out of the Bronx!

When I was in high school and the Yankees won the first World Series of my lifetime, I begged my parents to let me ditch school and head into the city for the ticker-tape parade. After being denied, I did what any other disobedient 16 year old would do--I went anyway. I don't regret it either, my fondest memory of that day was climbing up on top of a bus stop to gain a better view of the players. To this day, I swear that Jeter winked at me! (Editor's note: I got caught, and I think grounded, but I'd like to think dad was secretly proud that I was at least ditching school for a sports related event).

When I headed up to the great state of RI for college, I quickly learned just how serious the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry was. Once I was deemed a "Yankee fan" I was quickly grouped in with the other Long Island and Jersey transplants and became part of the small but faithful group that bravely cheered against the Sox. During one Yankees/Sox series a bunch of friends and I crafted homemade "Yankees/I love NY" wife beaters and proudly showcased them at the local campus bar (thankfully it was actually owned by a native New Yorker who was a huge Yankee fan...I think our photo may still hang on the wall...)

So getting back to the point, although I was never the biggest sports fan, despite being raised by a sports writer/sports fanatic and growing up with a brother that watches ESPN religiously, I always had a soft spot for the Yankees. Baseball was a sport I could actually follow and understand and root for, and baseball games were a great time (beer, hot dogs and sunshine). Shamefully I will admit that I have been to more than one Red Sox game and was even photographed wearing a Sox hat once, but I have always felt proud to be a New Yorker and root for the Yankees, a team whose history and tradition is so rich.

Last night, watching the last game at a stadium that I've heard about my whole life, I definitely felt more than a touch of sentiment and nostalgia. I've always been a sucker for history, and seeing all the past legends back where it all started struck a cord with me. I watched the whole game, right through to Jeter's heartfelt speech to the fans. I cried--I'll admit it, I cried at a sporting event and I think I like baseball just a little more now. Too bad the Yanks are out of it, but I am looking forward to next year, to becoming a better fan and to a new place for history to be made.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A day for reflecting...

So as a native New Yorker I felt compelled to at least write something on this very somber day...

When I woke up this morning to Good Day NY, I was instantly reminded of the date and was brought back to that morning seven years ago like it was yesterday. I saw on the news that there was a big ceremony in Pt. Lookout not far from where I live. I could literally feel the heaviness in the air and tried to psych myself up for my busy day...

Of course hearing Greg Kelly ask every guest what they were doing on that day made me immediately recall in vivid detail what I was doing...which was watching the news in my towel at the Sigma Kappa sorority house in Kingston, RI. I missed my 9:30 class (for once it was for a legitimate reason!) and glued myself to the TV for most of the day. I remember frantically calling my family and not being able to get a hold of my brother, who was living in the city and working near the towers, for hours. Thankfully, I didn't lose anyone close to me, but nevertheless I remain forever affected by that day...

A defining moment for me came later that night. I was sitting on the porch of our house with a bunch of girls just talking things over when literally hundreds of students, many with candles, came walking by humming a spiritual tune. Without a word exchanged, we all got up and just started walking with them. We didn't know where we were going, and I don't think it mattered. We finally ended up at the chapel at the top of our campus which was literally bursting at the seems with people. I couldn't tell you what was said at the service that day, but I could probably recreate the scene with a sketch artist down to a T. I remember exactly what I was wearing (an old volleyball camp T-shirt and black gym shorts), exactly how hot it was (HOT), and everyone that was sitting around me. I remember singing along to Amazing Grace and crying from the shock and sadness but at the same time feeling overcome with emotions such as pride, thankfulness and many other things.

The next day, September 12th, is one of my closest friend's birthday. Seven years ago I spent it with her, a few other friends and a bunch of old sailors at a dive bar in Narragansett, RI. We had cancelled our plans to celebrate that night in light of the tragedy that had just taken place, but after sitting around our house for hours being sad, we decided to get out of the house. We ended up at a neighborhood bar that felt so safe that night. It was dark and quiet and everyone was just sort of sitting there, staring into their drinks and not saying much. Somehow between the jukebox, the cheap beers and the dusty overhead lights, a conversation that I will always remember took place about life, love and tragedy. That night, Four young and naive sorority girls had something in common with a bunch of aged, worldly seaman. I will always remember that night just as vividly as I remember the day before. It will always remind me how tragedy brings people together, as cliche as it sounds.

Tonight I was watching the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC and was hoping to be truly inspired by one of the presidential candidates' words. Maybe I was just expecting too much, but I wasn't moved. I know they were trying to put partisan issues aside for one day, but it didn't seem that way to me. I hope I feel differently tomorrow when the fierce race to the White House continues without the sensitive issues this day has raised.

Let's let Lee Greenwood sign this one off with the tune of "I'm Proud to be an American"...oh yeah, and happy birthday Jenny Lee!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What does Fall mean to you?

Living in beach towns for the past 10 years or so, I have grown accustomed to an overnight ending of summer. The day after Labor Day brings a palpable feeling of season's end. The empty streets, sparse shorelines and quiet storefronts remind me of the city streets the day after a big parade. Lined with only ticker tape and empty cups, it is hard to imagine all the action that was there just a day before.

I spent my day after Labor Day on my neighborhood beach in Long Beach, where my second summer has drawn to a close as an LB resident. The beach was so serene I barely recognized it. All summer long, I squeezed my modest folding chair in between camps of families with wagons, rowdy teenagers with rolling coolers of beer, and older couples with umbrellas and big blankets. Today, I scored a picture perfect spot all to myself as close to the water as the tide would allow. As I looked around me, I saw locals happily enjoying this day, which I now think may be one of the best of the summer. Great weather, but no hoards of pretentious day-trippers make the Tuesday after Labor Day my new favorite day.

It's funny how the end of summer has so many different meanings throughout a person's life. As a young child, it's the end of your fun, carefree, sprinkler-running days. As a teen, you sometimes look forward to going "back to school" to see your friends and get back in the swing of things. During college, summer meant coming back home to curfews and parents and September meant getting back to freedom and frat parties. After college, I waitressed and worked in one of the most touristy towns on the East Coast. End of summer meant the end of double shifts and big money, the end of cruise ships full of tourists, the end of beach days and crazy nights and always brought on the question of "now what?"

Now that I am part of the coffee-drinking, compulsive email-checking, metro-card carrying workforce, end of summer doesn't much affect my daily routine. My commute remains the same my alarm clock will ring at the same time and my clients will still expect the same things. About the only hint of fall for me today was picking out an autumn shade for my pedicure...

So as another summer draws to a close and the smoky smell of fall is fast approaching, I am looking forward to pumpkin picking, watching football games (more on this later!) and the return of Caramel Apple Cider at my local Starbucks!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

History in the Making...

Obama's speech was powerful...8 is enough...I liked it!

So are we ready for a black president?? I really am...but I know from just my small network that some people will just NEVER be ready for that. I hope people recognize the significance of it all whether they are black, white, yellow, democratic, republican or green!

It really is historic, and that "Proud to be an American" song is playing in my head right now on repeat!

That's all for now...I think I'll go read some political blogs...I'm such a geek!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alexander Graham Bell would be pissed...

I love texting, instant messaging, email, facebook, twitter etc. as much as anyone (it's my JOB for that matter!) but it occurred to me today that I haven't actually heard many of my best friends voices in weeks and sometimes even months.

Well electronic communication is easy and convenient, I miss voices, thick accents, and obnoxious laughs that make a person a human and not a robot. So friends (and even family--you know who you are!) if you are reading this little piece of new media communication, and I thank you for it, pick up the phone and call me this week. You know you miss my NY/Boston/RI accent, my fast talking, and my overuse of the word "like."

PS, Reading my away messages and facebook status updates does not mean that we have "caught up!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What'd you call me?

Yesterday afternoon found me and our VP at a sales training seminar in the Financial District for most of the afternoon. Yawn I thought, Big yawn. Surprisingly though, it was not only interesting but also quite useful.

At first I didn't think of myself as being in sales, but I quickly realized that selling myself and my business is really the same as selling say...toner. It's all in the approach. Jim Ryerson from Sales Octane was energetic and hilarious as he pointed out to everyone in the room what they probably already knew about themselves but tried to hide.

He crushed our VP with the news that she isn't quite as organized and detail oriented as people think. "But I balance my checkbook everyday," she pleaded looking for his approval (apparently another trait of Drivers and Influencers, which she and I both are!).

So did he get it right with me? Well I'll let you decide. Argumentative, enthusiastic, sometimes hard to manage (hehe), impulsive, people-oriented, wants to be the life of the party, outgoing, persuasive, get the idea...

Interesting stuff, and the best part was when he not only related your personality type to business relationships but to personal ones as well. I think I may have picked up a few valuable tips...I can't wait to read "The 5 Languages of Love," as recommended by Jim for even more insight!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Transitions and Dreams...and Other Stuff...

Transitions at work, transitions in my personal life, growing older, becoming boring, being poor, being an adult. Will I be rich? famous? happy? Will I see the world? Will I do all the things on my mental "To do before I die" list? These are the things that keep me up at night and that I drive my boyfriend, family and friends crazy with!

I've had an uneasy feeling lately that I can't put my finger on. Is it hesitation to move forward or is it an eagerness to get there? Am I doing what I really want, am I chasing my dreams, am I working towards a future rich with success, personally and financially?

I think the Olympics has unearthed my dreamer tendencies. When I was little, I was a gymnast and dreamed of being in the Olympics. I even wrote poems and short stories about it. My mom saved one that ran in Newsday's Kidsday section once and I came across it recently...

I've always had big dreams. Not the wedding, white picket fence ones, but the bombs flying over head well reporting on a war kind. I even have my "famous name" picked out and have since I was about 15 and purchased a fake ID with the chosen alias of Allie Waters. I've grown to like Allie Zog though so I'm thinking when I do publish my first novel I'll keep the Zog name alive.

As I mentioned on a previous post there is another Allie Herzog is NYC, and working in PR as well coincidently. I'm still waiting for us to meet, I wonder if the universe will implode or something when we end up in the same room one day? I'm a little sad that I have to share my name with someone, I wonder if she goes by Zog too...?

Enough rambling, here's to the dreamers!

Friday, August 1, 2008


So now that I am officially a year older, I thought I might like to take a look back at 26 and review the "deliverables" if you will. At 26 the following things occurred:

  • My first full year at a "real" job
  • Realization that I am now closer to 30 than 20 has sunk
  • Made new friends and met new and interesting professional contacts
  • Went to Vegas for "work" (thanks Hil!)
  • Became a social media/blogging expert (well sorta)
  • Realized that my family is pretty cool (it seems the older I get, the more I enjoy hanging with the fam)
  • Spent a full year living on the beach and not taking advantage of it nearly enough
I'm sure there was a lot more, but I can't seem to think of it right now!

Looking ahead to 27, I hope to write more, learn more, meet more people, make more money (well come on, who doesn't!) and travel to a foreign country. I think I can do it, can I get a little motivation??? :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Once again I've taken a hiatus from writing...this time I was mulling over the ever changing environment around me. I've been trying to accept all the changes, embrace them and even grow from them...a task that has been both dizzying and enlightening...if that makes any sense...

The changes are all around me. There have been big changes at work. I know the PR world is ever-changing. Business can be up and down and then down-right insane. But between our ever changing client base, our ever changing staff and my ever changing location, I'm getting a little dazed just keeping it all straight. I have faith that once the dust settles, all the changes will be the right the meantime I am focusing on trying to perfect my imperfections and strengthen my weaknesses. I figure the best way to get through anything is to do your best no matter what and know that you gave 110 percent to the task at hand. I'll admit I've never been an overachiever...not by any measure, but I've recently come to appreciate and admire the work ethic of those intense, workaholic types that I always swore I'd never become. If this sounds nothing like me, you could blame in part my new "friend" who has instilled some of his upstate, football coach values in me...slowly...

This leads me to change number 2. Adjusting to being "in a relationship." The status change. The subtle shift in behavior and change in weekend plans. Staying in and going to bed early is suddenly not a bad choice for a Saturday night. And a night out no longer means "mingling" with new people. It's nice to not be looking. Nice to have someone to do things with. I'm content. But I have recently noticed that most people have a "grass is greener" attitude when it comes to coupledom and singlehood and even marital bliss. Recently a married friend visited me in my admittedly party town of Long Beach, NY. After a few shots of Cafe Patron (sidenote: this might be the best alcoholic beverage since Kettle One) she turned to me and had a momentary longing for the single life (In case her husband is reading this, it really was just a moment!) In a town like Long Beach it is easy to get engulfed in the single life. My first summer in town I was swayed by the warm breeze, the new friends and the surfside bars. But to me, the scene gets old, the breeze turns cool and the friendships dwindle down to just a few that are for real. Things right now seem right as I try to balance my hectic job, my new relationship, my friendships, my social life, my family and all the little day-to days that get thrown my way. On this Sunday evening, with my fresh tan and my fresh outlook, I am feeling ok with the changes (cue music, "In every season, turn turn...)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

PR 101

So lately it seems like a lot of our clients don't really grasp what PR is, and how it works. They know they need it, and they may understand the basic "I want to be on the front page of the NY Times" mentality, but beyond that, they just don't seem to get it.

Sometimes even when I tell people what I do, I can tell they have no clue what it really means. "Oh you're in PR, does that mean you get to go to a lot of cool parties?" Emm sometimes...but not nearly enough :)

So here's what I wish the general public and ideally, all our clients would understand, about what we do as a publicists. It's not always about getting on the front page of the paper or on the 5 o'clock news (sometimes it is, and those times are great too!). But other times, it's about patience and finding the right target market. And that's our jobs, so trust us, and let us find your niche for you. Let us get your name out there and get you known for the right things. But please, have a little faith, and give us a little time!

Old Friends, Bookends...

Last weekend I went to Boston to catch up with some old college friends. We were quite the crazy bunch back in the day (OK I'm not that old, it was like the early 00's) but like most circles of friends we have all moved around and grown apart--at least by distance.

The crew that got together now reside in Arizona, parts of Boston, and NY. Besides the slightly altered ancients (my NY one has apparently gotten worse, while one former Masshole who now lives in AZ seemed to have acquired a slight western drawl) the moment we got together things were right back to the way they used to be. I think the truest friendships can be measured by the ease in which you can get back into them, no matter how much time has gone by. One friend now has a child and recently bought a house. Another, who was unexpectedly at the same Red Sox game as us (editor's note: I didn't root for them!) has become a Nurse at a prestigious Woman's hospital. When we were roommates about 5 years ago, she happily waited tables at the local sports bar and laughed when customers asked her, "what do you plan to do with your life?"

We spent the weekend enjoying some cocktails and reminiscing about the past. I looked around at one point and thought about the different paths that we all took, and where I thought we'd all be 5 years ago. Sometimes it's funny how things work out. I think we all turned out pretty good and are living the dreams that we made for ourselves...more or less! When the weekend drew to a close I was sad to say my goodbyes, knowing that it may be a while before we are all together again, but I took comfort in the fact that time and distance has had little effect on our friendships.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where have I been?

So I guess I have a few fans because more than one person has asked about my lack of blogging lately. Sorry fans, I won't let you down again :)

What have I been doing you ask? Well as much as I like to write and divulge interesting tidbits about my life to the world...I am trying to keep from making one of those "blogging blunders" and saying too much about my personal or professional life...there's a fine line between a good blog and TMI don't you all agree?

Anyway, so lately I have been thinking a lot about change and whether it is a necessary part of life. I have come to the conclusion that it is, and strangely, as much as I think I am the risk-taker, free spirited type, I think I have a problem with significant change. Or at least I need a little adjustment time anyway. I recently went up to Newport, RI to visit my old friends and relive the wonder that is summertime in the port. I had a great time and saw many old friends. A few people had moved on from waitressing, bartending or bouncing (the professions of choice for most year-round Newport residents...) but most were still at it, perhaps they had changed locations but they were still immersed in the lifestyle for the most part. I got to thinking on my drive back to NY, had I made the right choice, did I leave at the right time? Am I really cut out for the fast-paced NY rat race? Reflecting back on my weekend, I ran into so many old friends, old summer romances, and old enemies but everyone I saw thought my new life sounded fabulous. I guess the grass is always greener because as much as I'm career-minded now, I still think that raking in the cash working at a seaside bar and spending your afternoons on the beach sounds pretty fabulous sometimes...

So here I am, back in NY, commuting from Long Beach (which is about as close to Newport as you can get in these parts) to NYC, working, writing, living and changing. Things are always changing and I am trying to learn to roll with the punches and embrace the change. People who are very important to me may not be around everyday anymore but the best of friends will always stay that way no matter where they may be. New people will come into my life and become just as important and they will add a little color to the vibrant palette I've grown accustomed to. I think everyone I have met along the way has impacted me and added something to my character and every new change will continue to do so...

Wow, was that abnormally philosophical for me??

Tourist for a day...

So even though I grew up on LI, live there now, and have been going to NYC since I was in the womb, I am still a sucker for many of the cliche tourist attractions.

Last Friday, I took part in the tourist ritual of arriving at Rockefeller Center at the wee hours of the morning in hopes to catch a good view of the live concert outside the Today Show. Kenny Chesney, one of my all-time favorite performers was there and I just had to go. We arrived pretty early (at least by my standards) at around 6:15 and already the line was like 3 blocks long. "Ugghh" I thought as we got in line behind a bunch of southerners with cowboy hats and "I love NY" t-shirts. "Will we get in?" I asked the people in front of us. "No clue, this is our first time in NY," they replied in HEAVY southern drawl. Hmm....

It's good to know the right people. A certain "spin doctor" really helped my out by letting me have his VIP tickets. We got to leave the tourist-filled line behind and waltz right up to the stage area, literally within spitting distance to Kenny, Matt Lauer and the rest of the show. It was great...I owe someone a few beers at Third and Long soon!

On my list of other touristy things I want to take part in....Shakespeare in the Park, attending a live taping of SNL or Conan O'Brien, and yes, I still like to go see the Tree and go Ice Skating in Central Park come Christmas time...does this make me "not a real NYer" or is it ok to enjoy the touristy activities along with the secret local hangouts every now and then?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Rachel Ray--Nuf Said

Oh my--so one of my top five least favorite people in the universe is getting way too much attention these days!

So the latest about my arch nemesis (and I'll get into why in a minute) is that she was wearing some sort of Muslim garb in a Dunkin Donuts commercial, bloggers caused a commotion and now the ad is gone. And NOW bloggers are still causing a buzz, condemning DD for backing down to the crazy people who think her scarf was some sort of hidden terrorrist symbol. My take? It wasn't terrorism related, it was just an ugly scarf! Read my previous posts if you don't already know how I feel about scarfs as a fashion accessory...this whole mess could have been avoided if the DD stylist had only chosen a cool choker instead of a lame scarf...

The best part of this story for me is that this morning, Ron Corning's replacement (who just became my new favorite person of the moment) totally dissed on Rachel Ray this morning not realizing that DD was one of their sponsors. It was hilarious, check it out on Gawker!

So why do I hate her? Well for starters, why is she famous??? I mean really, she's not even a real chef, and her perkiness is more than a little irritating. If that sounds petty, let me explain my legit reason...well you may recall a little show she had/maybe still has on the Food Network called $40 a Day. Basically she goes to a new town, and shares with viewers the "secret" to eating great on $40 a day. The show's title should have been, "$40 a Day NOT including tips" or perhaps "$40 a day for cheap, evil people who don't believe in 20% tips" (sorry that was my former waitress side talking!). Ms. Ray seems to think that $2 is pretty much the standard tip for any meal...and she conveniently calculates "tax and tip" together sending a message to all the cheapies watching her show that leaving a couple bucks no matter what your bill was it totally OK. I think that everyone should spend at least 6 months in the service industry. You really learn some valuable life skills. Besides how to tip properly, you learn social skills, creative cooking skills (you'd be surprised how many meals you can make out of bread, condiments and left over ingredients...) and tolerance. Tolerance for all the ignorant people out there that are rude (snapping your finger at your server is NEVER OK), dumb (I'm allergic to nuts, can I still eat the Peanut Butter Puff Pie..) or just plain crazy (Can I order a Pepsi with one splash Dr. Pepper, two splashes Orange and a floater of Gingerale...).

So to sum up...Dunkin Donuts should really get rid of A) the stylist who chose the stupid scarf to begin and B) Rachel Ray as a spokesperson because I believe that honest, hardworking people typically drink DD over say Starbucks and probably feel similarly about the fake-chef and would be turned off seeing her face all over their favorite coffee place...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Coffee and Margaritas (But not together...)

We all have our vices. The things that give us that extra kick in the morning or help us relax after a long day. The above noted are mine...well at least the ones I can mention here ;)

When my boss and I discovered the latest trend in blogging, "beta testing," we were psyched. When we found out we were going to get free coffee and all we had to do was drink it and write about it, we were beyond psyched. So here it is, my first review...and if any Tequila companies are reading this (especially Patron or Sauza Hornitos) I would be honored to drink lots of free samples from you and write wonderful things about you. Everyday. Thanks.

Ok so Joffrey's Coffee...

The flavor they sent me was called Jamaican me Crazy which instantly reminded me of this tasty dish that we used to serve at my old establishment called the Jamaican Me Crazy Mon, which was actually a Jamaican Jerk porkchop. Tourists used to get such a kick out of saying the full name when they ordered it, but I digress...

My roommate is very set in her ways. Every morning we make Maxwell House coffee and she flavors hers with French Vanilla creamer only. She does not stray from this so I knew I'd be on my own sampling my new fun flavor. I made it after she had safely left for work and was instantly drawn in by the smell. It smelled like syrup, or better yet, a full homemade waffle, syrup and coffee breakfast. It was a very welcoming and soothing smell as I was rushing to pour the coffee in my travel mug and run out the door, late as usual...

As I drank the coffee on my ride to work, it definitely made me feel invigorated and pumped for my day. The smell, the sweet and strong taste and the smoothness all contributed to its charm. The actual flavor is described as caramel, vanilla and coffee liquer. I wouldn't have been able to pinpoint the exact flavors that were melting in my mouth but they definitely made for a lovely combo. I sipped it all the way to my office and still had a little left as I got to my desk. A few minutes after I settled in, my office roomie asked "what's that smell, it smells like maple syrup in here!" I informed him it was Joffrey's coffee, a new flavor and he responded that it smelled awesome. It did indeed!

I still have a little Joffrey's left and I am now rationing it and saving it for a special morning or a special someone to share it with. Want to drink some with me? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Work Family

Pretty much every job I've had long term has come complete with what I like to call my "second family." Before I came to my current job, I was waitressing at a restaurant in Newport, RI where my coworkers were quite literally my extended family. I spent days, nights, weekends, holidays and everything in between with them. They were my roommates, my traveling buddies, my bar buddies and more. It's just the kind of relationship that comes with working so closely with people for a long period of time. And it is especially in my character to grow attached to people and feel extremely close to them very quickly if I feel a connection with them.

So now that I've been at my current job for a while, I can definitely say that I'm back in that "second family" phase with most of my coworkers. We work long hours and often spend time together at night and on the weekends, whether it's work related, social, or a little bit of both. Since my time there, I've shared an office with 5 different people, and seen many people come and go. Some made little impact on me (I won't mention any names here, I'll just call them "Bauren" and "Musan") and others will remain close friends for life. Some people tell me I'm too emotional, too dramatic or too sensitive, but personally I just think I have a love for meeting and getting to know new people, and I usually find interesting qualities that I admire in people from all walks of life. It kind of feels like an ironic cycle lately that goes something like this: Person I really love leaves, new person comes aboard who I try to hate for replacing old person, but 9 times out of 10, I grow to inevitably love new person and the cycle continues.

As I'm writing this I'm wondering if all the new people (or old timers for that matter) think I'm a complete nut. Luckily I can honestly say right now that I love all my second family these days. Despite all the mandatory office drama, politics and sometimes sheer ridiculousness, I think we have a great group of people and I find that everyone has their little idiosyncrasies that make them both unique and fabulous. Although I sometimes wish that things could stay the same forever, and that a few certain people were still part of my second family, I am going to really try to "embrace the change" from now on...

Saturday, May 10, 2008


As defined by Wikipedia: the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate when having conceived, especially while looking for something else entirely.

Serendipity seems very fitting to my life lately and after lunching there on Friday, I am embracing it full force.

I arrived to work on Friday morning, feeling the effects of the previous night's Media Meshing at Sweet and Vicious. The event was a great time and kept me out way past my curfew!

Friday was gloomy, cold and rainy, and everyone I encountered on my way to work looked equally as miserable. Hair a mess, eyes droopy, etc. As I tried to down a bagel and be productive (usually I have the office to myself on Fridays, but this Friday my VP was joining me to edit some video), my mind wandered to recent life events and how certain things have been playing out. I was actually in a totally spiritual, "everything happens for a reason" kind of mood when my VP, Kristie, suggested that we go to Serendipity for lunch that day. One mention of the frozen hot chocolate and I was sold. "A frozen hot chocolate could definitely brighten up this day," I thought.

A quick google search later, we discovered that they were indeed open for business again (we both remembered hearing something about an "infestation" there, but for the record it seemed very clean). After a full morning of video editing, we braved the sideways rain and set out on our mission. The walk would have only been about 10 minutes or so had it not been hail/wind/raining out so we decided we should get a cab. Ha, good one. Every cab was either occupied or suspiciously "off-duty." Not sure why so many cabs decide lunch hour on a rainy day is a good time to be "off-duty" but that's another story. Just as we were giving up hope of catching a ride, a cab literally stopped right in front of us at the Victoria's Secret store and someone who was apparently in dire need of some lingerie on a rainy afternoon jumped out. Score, we got a ride!

Lunch was a pleasant mix of catching up, sharing a frozen hot chocolate and eating monstrous BLT's. As we made the trek back to our office, this time giving in to the rain, I thought, "not a bad day, now if only I could feel my feet..."

Serendipity--great movie, yummy food and a good thing to believe in :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Domain Name Game

So today I was sitting at my desk at work, writing a press release, when I received a google alert that sent me into a frenzy for the rest of the day (if you think I'm kidding, ask my poor co-workers who had to endure my rambling!). What did the alert say? Well it announced to me that my name had appeared online. Yippee, who was writing about me in the blogosphere, I thought. Nope, to my sadness, it was ANOTHER Allie Herzog and the alert was to say that the domain name had been registered. Sadface, big sadface. That's my name! Now I am fully to blame for not purchasing this sooner, I had planned to several times but somehow it always slipped my mind. Upon further digging I discovered that there is acutally another Allie Herzog lurking around NY somewhere, and get this, she's a publicist too! Even stranger, she is my Facebook "friend." So now I'm basically stalking my namesake, and I NEED to know, did she buy it, and if so, can I have it back?? When I become famous someday, where will I post photos and fan mail? So, after some rational thought and talking it out, I figured I'd buy (take that other Allie!) and check out what else is available as well. informed me that yes was indeed taken but for just $1.99 I could have Dot name?? What the heck is that? No thanks go daddy...

So the lesson of the day here folks, if you don't already own your domain name, I would highly recommend buying it. It costs less than $20 a year and trust me, finding out somewhere, someone else with YOUR name now owns YOUR website is very sad--at least for a new media geek chic like me!

My next mission? I need to meet my future husband soon--if for no other reason than securing my married domain name!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Midweek thoughts-Blogging about blogs...

I always find myself posting blogs in the middle of the week, in front of my tv (watching Fox News then Seinfeld) and usually on one of my few free evenings when I could easily be laying on the couch and not touching my laptop. Impossible! I am openly and somewhat proudly addicted to my computer and all the treasures the internet has to offer. And not just because it's my job! I don't think I could go a night without checking my email, reading my favorite websites and blogs or googling something I heard about during the day. To spare myself the embarrassment, I won't say what, or rather who I had to pretend I was familiar with for a good hour long discussion the other night. Thankfully I made it through the conversation with my dignity still in tact and immediately came home to look up said topic on google and wikipedia...the conversation makes so much more sense now :)

Last night my boss Hilary Topper and I sat on a panel for the NYC Entrepreneur's Organization (she's a member, I was lucky enough to tag along) and spoke to a small group of business owners about utilizing blogs, social networking etc. (my favorite topic of discussion these days!) Everyone was interested in how to start their own blogs, what blogs to read, how to use facebook and linked in and more. One question that kept coming up was "when do you have the time for all this?" or "what will I write about on my blog?" The answer seemed so simple to me--write as often as you can about whatever moves you! When Hilary and I were talking about some of the topics we write about, I saw a few glances of skepticism around the table at first. But then I think people got it--the key to a good blog is to write about what you know, and what you're passionate about. Everyone has something to say, and once you start typing it out, you'd be surprised how easy it comes. I hope that my blogs are interesting and that people will keep reading them...but if I ever ramble on too long (as I tend to do sometimes...) feel free to let me know!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What happened to Ron?

So am I the only person who it took like three weeks to realize that Ron Corning just wasn't coming back from vacation?? I am avid watcher of Good Day NY and all Fox News in general but after researching the whereabouts of Ron, I must say I'm a little perturbed at the Foxers. According to the Daily News, Ron was let go, while he was on VACATION a few weeks ago. I remember one day they said, "filling in for Ron Corning is so and so," and then 3 weeks later I realized hey, he's either on a REALLY long vacay or he's been canned. Sadly, the latter is true :( Who fires someone while they're on vacation?? Especially someone as cute and lovable as Ron?! Ron Corning if you're out there, you are missed...I can't wait to watch you when you land your next gig!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Fever

Spring is in the air...

How do I ring in the season? Like every other American girl these days...I have gone on a diet and started running before work (come run with me on the Long Beach boardwalk!). Yesterday I waited on possibly the longest line EVER to purchase a 12 dollar salad from the delicious Chopt Salad on 56th. The line was laughably long and everyone was on their cell phones sharing the absurdity of the line with their friends. One women behind me joked that she wished the line led to cupcakes and not salad. Haha, nice. Another less pleasant women with a bad fake tan loudly complained on her cell phone about the line. "The first freakin nice day and all the sudden everyone wants a salad! I eat here everyday, this is bull sh*t!," she shouted. She then went on to declare that everyone on the line should just go get a cheeseburger and leave the salads to the truly healthy people like herself. Best part of this story? Tan-face ordered possibly the most unhealthy salad one could create. It involved steak, fried onions and EXTRA dressing (that she rudely demanded). She was a real joy...

Spring also means the start of baseball season (go Yankees), the promise of summer (the beach!) and the reappearance of those winter hibernators. You know the people you never see all winter long, who come out the first nice day looking all buff and tan for their warm weather debut. Well the rest of us were on the couch eating Chinese food, these select few were spending their winter months grooming for that first sunny day. Today was a balmy 75 degrees and the tank top wearers (both male and female) were out in full force. The good news? Summer can't be too far off :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I forgot my neckwear...

Another eye opening day in the big city!

The place: An overcrowded dining room at a hotel near Rockefeller Center
The time: 12:30 pm (a half hour late!)
The scene: A packed house of waif thin 20-something females separated by only a handful of males

As soon as I pried open the dining room doors to sneak into the luncheon without drawing too much attention to myself, I wished almost immediately that I hadn't. First, there was the daunting task of finding a seat in a room that was way too crowded. After switching seats twice, everyone was already staring at me but thankfully I was able to find my coworker and sit near her. Once I took out my notepad I found myself unable to stop taking notes, only I admit that shamefully I was not taking down key points from the speakers, but rather I was fixated on the people around me and how I stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb.

First off, I was one of the only people in a suit (my wonderful coworker Lisa was in one too--god bless her). I used to think suits were classy and perfect for all occasions, but apparently lace doilies and leggings are the new black suit. Second, I was definitely the only girl at my table without some sort of neck decoration, and no I don't mean a necklace. Apparently scarfs, fake turtle neck thingys and pashminas (sp?) are all the rage this month. I am a frequent scarf wearer during the winter months but I found it kinda strange that people felt the need for elaborate neck drapery in April. I wonder if there was some sort of email blast that went out to the fashionistas of the PR world but obviously I was not on this list!

About halfway into the luncheon I made the colossal mistake of pouring myself a glass of coke--NOTE I said coke and not diet coke. As I reached across the table to grab the unopened liter of coke I felt the eyes of a disapproving blond glaring at me. She was clearly one of the girls responsible for the empty diet coke bottle and was visibly appalled that someone would drink the dreaded regular coke! A quick look around the room showed a similar trend on every other table--diet coke empty, regular coke untouched. Does anyone appreciate a good coca-cola classic anymore??

Ok, I'll stop being petty now and mention that the poor speakers I was tuning out were actually pretty cool. Most interesting in my opinion were Stephen Baker from Business Week and Rachel Sklar from the Huffington Post. More of the same basic info that I am constantly being fed as the head of New Media at my firm but a good refresher nevertheless.

Switching gears a bit, I would like to briefly acknowledge one of my favorite companies of the moment. In an effort to be a "truthful and trusted blogger" I will admit upfront that they are also a client but this quick story is strictly personal! Enterprise Rent-A-Car is my hero of the week because my car is currently in the shop for a yet to be determined length of time, but because of my cute little Ford Cobalt courtesy of Enterprise, this little setback is a lot less stressful than it could have been. As the commercial states, they really did "pick me up," and they were super friendly in the process!

On a final note, I am very thankful that the congestion pricing plan did not pass. Today I drove from LI to NJ, from NJ to Manhattan, and then from Manhattan back to LI (well technically I didn't drive, Lisa did because my driving skills have been less than stellar lately...) but the cost was the equivalent to like 3 beers, or 1 martini in the city but still, we don't need any more fees Bloomberg, give us a break!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thoughts from the Dentist's Chair...

Been a while...I've been tired, cranky, crazy and busy, and although Ive had a rather eventful and "blogworthy" few weeks, I've realized that not everything should be posted online...To protect myself, my friends, my lovers, my enemies, my clients, and my coworkers, I promise to always "think before I blog" and not wreck anyone's lives (at least intentionally) by say, announcing their extra-marital affairs on my blog (just a random example--I swear!)

OK so anyway, today found me in a dentist's chair for the umpteenth time this year. After not having insurance for a few years, I was forced to go to the dentist when one of my teeth literally rotted out of my mouth a few months back. My dentist is a pretty nice guy, his receptionist is NOT. Yes, I have cancelled appointments, blatantly not shown up for others, and today, I arrived 27 minutes late (by her clock), but there's still no excuse for the death stares while I'm awaiting my torture. As I am writing this blog, my cheek feels like there is a flaming metal ball stuck inside it, or something else equally painful. Hopefully the percoset will kick in any minute now...

Here's my question of the day. When getting dental work done, do you keep your eyes open or closed? I know it's random, but I need to know! I usually keep mine open and watch TV or stare at the fake clouds on my doc's fluorescent lighted ceiling but today, shards of my decaying teeth literally sprayed me in the eye! I was forced to close them and it was almost relaxing, minus the drill sounds, taste of latex and throbbing pain. I am now committed to brushing my teeth 3-6 times a day, flossing diligently after dinner and gargling to the tune of happy birthday. Anything to keep me out of that chair after my remaining 6 cavities are filled!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sleepy Recaps

Been a busy week for me!

Since returning from Vegas a week ago with every hope of taking it easy and catching up on sleep and life, I am probably still about 5o hrs behind in the sleep department and about three pages behind on the handwritten "to-do" list that sits on my nightstand...

Most notably, last Thursday was our company's Sweet 16 Party at the Bridgeview Yacht Club, celebrating 16 yrs of being in business. The party proved once again that we rock. No really, we do! Everyone had a great time sipping on perfectly made cosmos and eating passed hor d'oerves, pastas, meats, and my favorite part--the chocolate dipping station! The party was great and I barely remembered that I was running on limited steam from the night before...

The previous night I was at a party for ESPN magazine in the city, where highlights included a performance by Third Eye Blind, a red carpet entrance, a REALLY cool bathroom complete with a "director" who literally walked you to your stall (by the way, is this normal?) and of course a make your own candy bag upon departure...very cool!

Last night I was in the city again, celebrating a birthday and forgetting that people would be celebrating the unofficial holiday of "Almost St. Patricks Day." I was one of the only bar patrons not wearing green, or at least a shirt with green in it somewhere, and a catchy saying like "Everyone Loves an Irish Girl." Random observation, why do you girls wear stickers on their faces to show their "spirit" and why do Mardi Gras beads apply to every holiday? I won't throw stones though, I totally ended up proudly wearing a green set of beads by the end of the night...

Seinfeld's almost over, time to get to sleep...more to come later this week :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

The from vegas!

I wish it were a little sunnier here, poolside, at the Venetian in Vegas...but hey, I'm not complaining!

So I've been in Vegas the past two days at a Social Media Conference with my boss learning all the latest tricks and trends in the social media phenomenon. I learned a lot and was super excited to jump on my laptop and play around on the internet the second the conference was over. I am currently the picture perfect image of an uptight New Yorker, wearing her business attire, shoes AND socks at the pool while typing furiously away on her laptop as children splash and play in the background...

So being my first time in Vegas and all, I definitely have to say it's a great city. Do people actually live here though? I mean seriously, imagine waking up and seeing that giant 3-d TV screen with the mermaid coming out of it right outside your window? It's just nuts...the lights, the energy...definitely cool!

Ok, so back to the test I mentioned in the title. It came up at the conference that a great way to utilize social media is to know what people are saying about you, and your company. That being said, there's a great way to track every time your name or company appears online by using the fabulous google alert tool. Sounds good right? So I wonder, are all these social media experts really practicing what they preach? If so, I expect to here from you David Pogue, Tech Editor of the New York Times. You totally have a new fan, thanks for the laughs, insight, and truly helpful info!

Not to short change anyone else who may have google alerted their name...I also really enjoyed Steve Crescenzo's speeches and found Jim Ylisela, a former reporter currently with Ragan Consulting, to be chock full of useful info. Because of his presentation, I vow to convince the rest of my office to break out of the boring press release mold, get rid of our made-up crappy quotes and keep our writing clean, simple and SPICY!

Stay tuned, more to come from Sin City later...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In Your Dreams!

I've always been blessed or cursed, depending on how you look at it, with REALLY vivid, borderline psychic, dreams. Lately my dreams have been an intertwined jumble of clients, coworkers and my personal life (sorry to freak anyone out, but if I see you on a regular basis, chances are you're in my dreams...) Usually I don't pay much attention to them, I brush them off as a byproduct of my overstimulated brain. But every once in a while I get to thinking, "what is my subconscious trying to tell me?"

Last week, while telling a coworker about my latest dream involving my email account, coworkers, and a fried chicken restaurant, a conversation started about whether anyone else had these crazy dreams. The next day, like three people in my office came in to tell me about their crazy work-related dreams. Apparently, my wild imagination is contagious!

Without going into too much detail, last night's dream found me, among other things, surrounded by cherries. My roommates tell me I fell asleep during a movie and was snoring up a storm. While certain scenes of the movie did sneak into my dream, they assure me that there were no cherries involved. Before Asking Jeeves what the heck the cherries meant, I decided to come up with my own ideas. Could it be a sign that my upcoming trip to Vegas will have me seeing three cherries in a row? (That's like a jackpot or something right?) Will my company land a new account in the fruit distribution field?

While I realize that dreaming about people and places you see everyday is normal, I am a big believer that dreams are trying to tell you something.

I ran track most of my life, but why can't I ever run in my dreams?

Why do people suddenly change into someone else in the middle of your dream?

And, why do you always wake up seconds before a) the face of your future husband is revealed b) you're about to collect your lottery winnings c) god himself is whispering the meaning of life in your ear?

Hopefully subconscious Allie will guide conscious Allie down the path to fame, fortune and a rent controlled apartment with a sweet skyline view! Until then, sweet dreams :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Electronic Communication

I'm as big a fan of texting and IMing as the next gal. I frequently IM people sitting in the next room at work. Sometimes they are so close that I can hear the ding of my IM's and their furiously typed responses. It's kinda silly when you think about. As much as I am guilty of it, and think it's the easiest way to communicate these days...I kinda miss "old fashioned" contact, you know, like the telephone, or GASP, seeing each other face to face...

I've made the following observations regarding electronic correspondence, specifically IM and text...feel free to dispute me on these but I think I have a fairly good frame of reference, both personally and professionally...

Instant Messenging
Remember the days you had to minimize your buddy list every time someone walked by your desk? Instant messenging was the way teenage girls communicated, not educated professionals. But like everything else, that's changed! Now, my entire office is on IM and like I said before, we frequently IM rather than walk across the office. I will even admit to IMing someone in the same room as me (laziness at its best)! I think that while IM is a lot easier, it can sometimes get messy. Messy in that you can't always tell the "tone." Tone is important...think about it. Try saying a simple phrase, even one "What" No punctuation, it could be rude, nice, do you really know? I have often misread tone of IM's and gotten angry for no reason. On the flipside, some people seem to be tone deaf, in that they cannot take a hint over IM. Let's decode this one--ONE WORD ANSWERS, never a good thing. The one worder clearly does not have time or just plain doesn't want to talk to you. ONE WORD FOLLOWED BY A PERIOD--even worse-period. And signing off on someone, for me, that's like slamming the phone down in my ear. Not cool.

Yes texting is great, and ever since I got the Envy, I am applying my 10th grade master typing skills to messaging people at record speeds. But again, tone is difficult to read. Also, I strongly believe that texting should not replace conversations. Sure, it can be great when you just need to tell someone something and don't want to get into a long conversation. But, if there is a convo to be had, than it should be a phonecall thing. I've gotten finger cramps from longwinded texting, not fun...

Furthermore, texting someone "hey"may be the single worst text ever. This relates back to people that call you and say "hey." Either way, 'hey" means nothing. If you have something to say, than say it. If you don't, than save the hey for the...

Finally, I believe this applies to all forms of electronic communication. The one-sided message. For example, if someone only emails/IM's/Texts you with what they're doing/can do for you/have done etc. it doesn't leave room for much response, and that's even if you WANT to respond to the obviously selfish sender. Communication is a two way street and technology should only make it more efficient. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about here??

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Funny Thing About Getting Older...

Is that you don't really realize it. It's more of a gradual thing...kind of like watching grass can't really notice it happening but once it does you notice the end result. I know how old I am. 26. I'm not OLD...right?? I bought some wine today and I didn't get carded. I ALWAYS get carded. I've been told I look 12, 16 even as old as 21...but I ALWAYS get carded. Today, I reached for my ID instinctively while purchasing two "classy" bottles of wine (and by classy I mean they were more than 10 dollars a piece...). The man behind the counter laughed and gave me the hand. "It's ok honey," he said. Whoa. I look my age now? When did that happen??

Today, I also replied to a post on one of the networking groups I belong to. There was a rather spirited debate on whether you should put one space or two after a period. The old souls said two. The younger people seemed to know that one was the way to go. OMG. I still use two!! (Note the spacing on this very post if you don't beleive me!) Ok, guess that sealed the deal...Welcome to being old Allie, enjoy your stay...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

To the rich tourists that once bossed me around...

So the other day I was in a pretty hard core new business meeting with an awesome potential new client and an awesome team of our staff. As I was listening to myself speak I realized, "hey I actually know what I'm talking about!" It was a great feeling! I felt very confident and was impressed with the way I was able to hold my own around a conference table of smart and important people (my colleagues and bosses included!). Then I got to thinking where I was not too long ago. In the words of the catchy commercial I was literally "serving chowder and ice t to tourists in t-shirts." Don't get me wrong, somedays I wake up and think, I had the life back then. I slept all day, partied all night and made some nice cash in between. And I gotta say, I met some great people, did some crazy things and made some memories I'll never forget. Some days I definitely wanna shut off the alarm, some days I even think, "hey, if I sold my car, my bed and maybe this computer, I could probably go hang out in Costa Rica for a while and not work." But most days lately, I'm feeling pretty...accomplished at the end of my day. I love wearing a suit, having a great business meeting and meeting interesting and smart people. I love being in New York City and knowing that the chance to be as successful as I want is right there at my fingertips. I work for a great company and am constantly learning new things. I can't wait to see where I'm going to be in 5 years, or 10 years or even tomorrow, but I'm thinking big these days, so watch out NY!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Networking and the Long Train Ride Home...

So last night I braved the sideways rain, my broken umbrella, broken bag strap that broke from the weight of toting my laptop around the city....and attended a happy hr. A "networking" happy hour I guess you could call it. After prepping myself at a more low key bar downtown and getting myself to my more social "two beer alterego," I was ready to mingle. What followed is now a blur of political banter, booze and business card exchanges. Oh yeah and a few new friends on facebook. I think I'm jumping on the anti-networking bandwagon, at least in terms of using the word. I'd prefer to call it socializing, schmoozing or depending on the evening, partying like a rockstar. All in all though, as I try to transition myself to a "big time city someone," I find these organized "social gatherings" can sometimes be good, afterall we all need a little help meeting new people sometimes. Anything to expand my social circles is a good thing. I went from living in a great little resort town and knowing literally everyone, to the LI social scene, which has left much to be desired for me personally. I'm really trying to meet some great people in the city, both socially and professionally, whether it be at a bar, at a networking, I mean socializing event, or waiting on line while they fix the damn ticket machine at the LIRR station (met someone that way the other day!)

Anyway, these were just some of my thoughts that I was able to ponder on the 49 minute train ride back to my neck of the woods. However, as luck would have it, last night's ride was a little less kill yourself due to the company of a neighbor that I bumped into at Penn Station. Definitely better company than the drunk morons we were sharing a car with. Island Park guys, I hope your reading this...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

We'll call this one, I Wish...

Watching the E True Hollywood Story of Donald Trump right now...on a Saturday night mind you...alone...not that I'm complaining, the quiet is very refreshing. But seriously, what the F Trump, are you really THAT good...and are you seriously rockin that hairdo while we're at it?
Tonight I'm wishin for a few things...
More money
Warm weather
More money
A good man
A good man with money
World Peace (for good measure!)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Hello Blogosphere,

Just welcoming myself to the world of New Media. It's a Monday night, I'm "working" because in this biz, you kinda always are...Just finished checking my emails and social networking sites because my 32 minute commute left me temporary out of the digital loop...found that since I last checked, I received 14 new emails at my work account and three new comments, "friend requests" etc. on various sonet sites...are we becoming TOO dependent on internet communication....I hope not or I'm out a job!