
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alexander Graham Bell would be pissed...

I love texting, instant messaging, email, facebook, twitter etc. as much as anyone (it's my JOB for that matter!) but it occurred to me today that I haven't actually heard many of my best friends voices in weeks and sometimes even months.

Well electronic communication is easy and convenient, I miss voices, thick accents, and obnoxious laughs that make a person a human and not a robot. So friends (and even family--you know who you are!) if you are reading this little piece of new media communication, and I thank you for it, pick up the phone and call me this week. You know you miss my NY/Boston/RI accent, my fast talking, and my overuse of the word "like."

PS, Reading my away messages and facebook status updates does not mean that we have "caught up!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this a way to get people to leave you more voicemails? I mean come often do you even answer your phone? really now...