
Friday, August 1, 2008


So now that I am officially a year older, I thought I might like to take a look back at 26 and review the "deliverables" if you will. At 26 the following things occurred:

  • My first full year at a "real" job
  • Realization that I am now closer to 30 than 20 has sunk
  • Made new friends and met new and interesting professional contacts
  • Went to Vegas for "work" (thanks Hil!)
  • Became a social media/blogging expert (well sorta)
  • Realized that my family is pretty cool (it seems the older I get, the more I enjoy hanging with the fam)
  • Spent a full year living on the beach and not taking advantage of it nearly enough
I'm sure there was a lot more, but I can't seem to think of it right now!

Looking ahead to 27, I hope to write more, learn more, meet more people, make more money (well come on, who doesn't!) and travel to a foreign country. I think I can do it, can I get a little motivation??? :)

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