
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Edits and Updates

Papa Zog pointed out a few grammatical errors to me in my previous post so rest assured they will fixed and I will be proofing more carefully from now on! Although i still stand by my belief that it's ok to be a little unedited in these things, I don't want any future client, colleague or otherwise thinking that I am not on point... so from now, I will do a once over before hitting "publish post"...happy dad? :)

As I'm sure the world has heard since my last post about the missing school teacher, she tragically was found dead, her husband facing murder charges. The story is chilling to me. I just can't see how a person is capable of murder, especially to someone they claimed to once love. It's scary that some people can snap without warning. From what I have read and heard both on the news, and first hand from people at her place of work, she was an amazing teacher and person. My thoughts are with her family...

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