
Sunday, January 4, 2009


Along with the rest of the bloggers of the world, I would like to publicly list some of my goals for the upcoming year. I would call them New Year's resolutions but those tend to get forgotten by about January 12th or so (at least for me) so I will call them goals to make them seem more concrete. In no particular order here's my fired up goals for 2009:
  • Write more. Simple, but this is a one I really hope I keep. This weekend I was reading through some old articles I had written while freelancing for a newspaper in Newport, RI and I became really nostalgic. I especially remembered the joy that writing a really awesome article brought me, and the pride and rush of exhilaration I got when people told me they had read/loved my work. Whether it's professionally, personally, on my blog or just in my journal, I vow to write more this year and keep the "writer's high" going.
  • Run more. "Runner's high" is another favorite high of mine. I used to run track in high school and even considered running in college. I think the last time I ran was to catch a train, hail a cab or catch up with a fast-walking companion on the city streets. That's embarrassing to admit, so yeah, I'd like to run more, you know, for exercise. I'm thinking that downloading some new "workout tunes" on my i-pod, purchasing one of those armband thingys and maybe a new pair of spandex will spark my motivation. Any other tips?
  • Worry less. This one will be tricky for me. I mostly have always thought of myself as carefree but in recent years I have actually discovered that I am an overly emotional person that was actually pretending to be carefree while really stressing about everything and constantly making mental lists, plans and entire life paths in my mind (and sometimes in a little yellow notebook). This year I would like to focus more on fixing the things I can fix, changing the things I am unhappy with and working confidently towards all my personal and professional goals. While doing that, I would like to stress less, let the little things slide, maintain a positive outlook and know that everything will fall into place one way or another. I would like to really live by the "everything happens for a reason" mantra that I once really believed in, and know that my future will indeed lead me to the crazy/strange/beautiful/peaceful life I have already dreamed up for myself. Make sense?
  • Find inner harmony. Oh my god did I just say that? But really, going along with the worrying less thing, I need to find a way to maintain a healthy and stress free existence, seeing as I sometimes literally worry myself sick. I would like to get more into yoga, meditation, whatever. Perhaps take a weekly class, read some books, and take some time each morning to stretch, reflect and relax. I would like to take less medicine, and instead, try herbs, vitamins, diet change etc. to feel good (both mentally and physically). I would like to continue reading everything I can, newspapers, magazines, books, websites, blogs, EVERYTHING. I love reading, it makes me feel smart and happy. Any other ways to find balance? Let me know!
  • OK last one, and I debated even writing this one down, but it has to be said. I would like to at least be on the track to financial freedom and comfort in 2009. Even though I was a late bloomer so to speak in the "real job" department, I think at my age, I should have a little nest egg, rainy day fund, etc. I would like to pay off my debts, have a respectable savings account, and maybe even a little left for luxuries like travel, wining and dining and Christian Laboutin shoes (OK maybe these red healed wonders will have to wait until 2010...) Also, going along with this, I would like to maybe live on my own for a while, which would require a certain amount of income. I have never lived completely alone before and I think it's something I should maybe experience?
So that's it for now (I think), any suggestions on how to keep up with these goals are more than welcome! Happy New Year everyone!

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