
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Twitter this!

I originally wrote this article for my company blog...

Since I started using Twitter almost a year ago, I have seen lots of new and creative ways to use it. I have seen companies branding themselves, media seeking sources, strangers with similar interests planning “tweet-ups” and even seen breaking news like earthquakes and terrorist attacks being reported live via this ingenious networking tool. But one thing that was a first to me, was reading “tweets” (what Twitter calls the short messages people post) about a couple getting engaged on Twitter!

After further investigation and immediately adding both parties to my followers, I found out that @Grobertson (Grant Roberston of Download Squad) did indeed ask @film_girl (Christina Warren) to marry him via a twitter post. She was attending the MacWorld convention and he just couldn’t wait to ask her. The tweet read this: “@film_girl i just can't wait one minute longer to ask you this. Will you marry me? i want to share the rest of our lives together.”

She said yes (obviously) and the rest is history. Although this allegedly wasn’t the first proposal on Twitter, it was the most publicized one by far. The story was “retweeted” (or reposted by different users) and was also written up by dozens of bloggers, tagged on the social bookmarking site Digg and even written up here by the Examiners marriage columnist.

The reactions by the blogging community was mixed. Some thought it was romantic, some cheesy, some just plain geeky. Have we become so dependent on internet communication that the notion of getting down on one knee will soon be a thing of the past, or was this just a creative way for two techies to get engaged in a non-traditional way? Personally, I think it’s kind of cute and after reading up on them both it seems like it suits who they are. What do YOU think?

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