
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The big 5-0!

No I'm not 50, but this is my 50th post according to my blog dashboard. It was almost exactly a year ago that I wrote my first blog post ever. So if you break it down, I have averaged about a post per week. Not bad, but this year I hope to write a lot more than that, and I also hope to contribute a lot more insightful, useful tidbits and share a lot more of the life and times of Allie Zog :)

In the past year I think I have learned a lot about the world of blogging and social networking. By know means would I dare to call myself an "expert," "guru," "maven" or any other cliche, I have read the many Twitter posts poking fun at self-proclaimed experts and I know better, but I definitely would say that my knowledge has advanced from beginner to at least intermediate, if not advanced...

Shortly after getting into the blogging craze, my boss and I attended The Ragan Communications Social Media Conference in Vegas and I was officially transformed from semi-geek to full on internet addict. The conference is coming up again this year and I would LOVE to go and further sharpen my skills but as you all know "in these economic times" budgets are a little tighter and educational trips to Vegas are a little harder to swing. I am accepting donations if anyone wants to sponsor me!

Are there other comparable conferences out there? Any offering discounts this year? Let me know!

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