
Monday, October 25, 2010

life on the bus...

More and more of my blog posts lately are either A) about riding the bus or B) mentally written while ON the bus. What can I say, riding the bus brings a whole new element to my life!

Tonight I worked late and took the cross town bus home at 10pm. I started walking but then saw the glorious lights of the bus coming my way and couldn't resist its appeal after a long day at the office, two slices of peperoni pizza and a big gulp sized Coors Light (thank you for existing Pronto Pizza). Anywhere else in the world, 10pm on a Monday is probably a pretty quiet time, but not in NYC! Sometimes you really lose all sense of time and "normal" business hours living here...the bus was full of people in office attire or with shopping bags and if it wasn't dark out, you'd think it was 5pm by the energy and buzz in the air. It *almost" makes working until 10pm bearable when you realize that everyone else in this city is working too much, sleeping too little and generally living a lifestyle that by any other standards would be considered "nuts." (For example, Buffalo, where the bf lives, and the land of a 5pm dinner time and a 9pm bedtime!)

One final fun bus story. A few nights ago after yet another sprint to catch a pulling away bus, I did that awkward "running in heels with my oversized purse" things that girls do and that generally looks ridiculous and probably doesn't actually get you there faster than walking...anyway, long story short, I made the bus and just as I was swiping my card and the doors were closing, a guy popped his head into the bus nearly getting decapitated by the door to say "hey great run, that was impressive doll." You just can't make this stuff up folks!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life: The unedited version...

Why haven't I written for literally months? Why do perfectly blog-worthy experiences come and go without a word typed? What's my excuse? What's my deal?

Well a) I'm busy b) I have been deferring to my "private" blog AKA my little notebook of thoughts that I use to express the things I don't quite feel comfortable dumping here c) busy again d) lazy ('s true)

I'm back with a vengeance though and probably a very lengthy ramble of thoughts, observations and general rant to the blogosphere...

How come some days I feel really proud of my life accomplishments and where I am (location-wise and "metaphorically") and other days I find myself lying awake in a panic thinking I've gotten it all wrong. Like wrong career, wrong city, wrong everything! How come I am constantly in a love/hate/really hate/really love relationship with this gosh darned city!

Exhibit A: Today at approximately 6:44 pm I was nearly killed. No really, I escaped death by a really narrow margin and somehow brushed it off until writing this post. I was crossing 34th street at Herald square, AKA, the busiest intersection in NYC, if not the world, in the pouring rain with a giant umbrella, a mob of other people with their giant umbrellas AND a giant bus obstructing my view of the crosswalk light when I stupidly followed the crowd in front of me and began to cross. ALL OF THE SUDDEN I was literally thisclose to be mowed down by not one, but TWO cross-town buses only to make it past those and literally have to stop a car WITH MY HAND illegally turning INTO ME! Sorry for all the ridiculous punctuation but for real! So anyway, I lived to tell the tale AND I made the M-16 bus as a result of my ridiculous "misjudgment" of the traffic. (Mom, I know if you're reading this you are probably freaking out by my carelessness but don't worry - lesson learned!) Once I got on the bus BTW, it was SO packed with angry, wet, crazy, oversized-umbrella-yielding New Yorkers that I just had to laugh. Why are NY'ers SO uptight?? And why am I becoming uptight after 25 plus years of being the most carefree person ever. Yikes!

Exhibit B: Spent this past weekend in Newport, RI, my "happy place" and was quickly telaported back to a time when life was easy all the time. It's weird because when I lived there I WAS happy but I was also searching for something else, something more, something I was SURE was in, I'm not so sure...

Exhibit C: After getting my tooth-pulled a few days ago I was craving one thing and one thing only - A Wendy's Frosty! After a long day at work, I decided to reward myself with a quick late-afternoon trip to Wendy's (the one across from the Empire State Building and riddled with tourists, homeless people and other assorted characters...). Well, there I am waiting patiently on line A when the register in front of me opens up and I place my order of "One Medium FROS--"YO MISS, WHAT THE {EXPLETIVE DELETED}! I'M NEXT!" I am then pushed aside and crazy man from Line B starts rattling off his long and random order to the shocked clerk with the facial piercings. The best part was how I looked back at the line for moral support and no one even looked at me. Long story short, I held back my tears, got my frosty and got the heck out of there!

OK, I realize my three exhibits didn't exactly exhibit much other than my randomness and slight craziness but my point was that living in NYC on a day-to-day basis can be amazing, inspiring, career-changing, etc. but it can also be scary, overwhelming and stifling. So I ask myself, do I want the ocean, the no-worries, the simple life or do I want the lights, the sirens, the ladder climbing, the "dream?" It really depends which day you ask me!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Being a grown-up...

Lately I've really started to feel like a "grown-up"...I guess at 29, it's about time!

Things that make me feel mature (note I said "mature" and NOT old!):

  • Being okay with spending a Friday night in (or actually preferring to do so!)
  • Thinking about a financial plan for the future, ie. saving to buy a house, get married (gasp!), putting money away for retirement (whoa...)
  • Actually being able to picture myself settled down in a real house with a kitchen table and welcome mat and ideally even a backyard (all those things you don't get as a renter/nomad! Since college I think I've lived in approximately 9 different apartments..I may be ready for a permanant address...)
  • Being in a book club (personally, I don't think this makes me old but some of my co-workers disagree!)
I'm sure there are a lot more to add to this list because recently I've really started feeling like I'm finally "acting my age." This is definitely not a bad thing and I keep reminding myself that 29 is still totally young and I have a long and fun life ahead. I think because up until recently, I was a few years behind maturity-wise, and now I suddenly feel like I aged about 10 years in a few months (Those that knew me from about 18-26ish can attest to my slightly sub-par maturity level)! When I look back at the carefree life I used to lead, I often feel a tinge of nostalgia, but then I look at how far I've come and the life I've made for myself and realize that I've really "come into my own" and "found myself" and all those other cliche things. Of course, somedays I wouldn't mind going back to my Newport days where my only concern was making sure I had clean black pants for my waitressing shift that night, and what bar I'd be sipping cocktails at after my shift...BUT...I can say with about 98% certainty that taking a leap of faith and coming back to NY was the right choice...AND...that I will be successful (ahem, rich) and happy (cough, rich) and healthy (and rich) if I continue to take chances, work hard and stay true to myself. And, if things don't work out, I have a backup plan--three words, EAT, PRAY, LOVE :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Post b'day roundup...

Hello there! It's been Eons since I've blogged (at least on here, but please consider reading my company's fabulous blog at of shameless plug) I'm a year older now and realize that I now REALLY need to focus on my "things to do before 30" goals seeing as I only have 364 days left to accomplish them!

I had dinner with some old college friends recently and we had a wonderful night reminiscing and catching up. I was so excited to hear that many of them read my blog and even noticed my recent lack of posts! In typical "good friend" fashion, they didn't give a crap that I was "busy with work stuff" and demanded I write more. Point taken! I plan on getting started on my list today (ok tomorrow, I'm still recovering from my birthday shots today) and with that list comes lots of fun blog posts to write.

As a warning, my posts may turn to sappy love song style sentiment over the coming weeks and I begin to embark on a long distance relationship with FF. He's moving (temporarily!) next week to pursue his teaching degree and we will be doing the LD thing for a year or so...any tips for LDR's are greatly appreciated!

Number one on my before 30 list.....drumroll please....TRAVEL MORE! This is not news to any anyone who regularly reads this but it really needs to be a priority now that 3-0 is getting closer every day! What else do I NEED to do before 30 folks? Let me know!

Monday, July 19, 2010

An escape...

Rich greens, deep blues birds chirping and ocean breezes-things I rarely (ok never) see from the confines of my 15th floor NYC apartment were all just part of the norm at a place I like to call paradise. Nope, not the Carribean or even Hawaii, my slice of heaven can be found in the wonderful little state of RI, and most recently on Block Island, RI.

Life in RI is so simple and peaceful and when my boyfriend and I recently visited 'the Block" we honestly felt like we were on some fantasy island. People were friendly and said hello
as they passed you by, cab drivers were jovial and helpful and chatty in the good way not the-I'm on my phone speaking erraticly in a foreign language-way. Ironically both cab drivers that we had while visiting (you only needed a cab to and from the ferry, the rest of the time you strolled or rode a bike-ahh sighhhh) were people that lived on Block Island year-round and loved the peaceful picture perfect setting. One guy told us he came for a job as teacher and never left. At this point I was convinced that I should cancel my return trip and apply for a job at the Block Island Times but my cab driver just laughed and agreed that they "probably didn't pay much."

After a lovely and relaxing trip of seafood, beaches, coronas, moped-riding and pretty sunsets, we headed back to NY and I found myself wondering "Am I really a city girl, or do I belong in a tiny little beach town?" I'm constantly torn between the desire to be really successful in my career which probably requires at least a few years in a big city and the desire to live in a quaint town near the beach. Unfortunately I'm not sure there's much of a market f
or a Social Media Marketer, blogger or otherwise-at least on Block Island. In fact, I kinda got the feeling that if I tried to explain what I did to any of the locals, they'd be confused in the way that my 80-year grandmother is.

For now, I'm back to city-girl Allie, but I can't wait for my next vacation! I highly recommend a visit to Block Island for anyone looking for a relaxing and perfect little beach getaway in the Northeast.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"These Streets Will Make You Feel Brand New"

Tonight I went to see Sex and the City 2. Me and about a million other fabulous ladies of NYC! I went to the Ziegfeld Theater, which is this amazing old-fashioned theater that still has ushers and a "stage" where the movie screen is--AND the theater was actually IN the movie...which was pretty cool! In prime SATC fashion there was even a faux red carpet where decked out ladies (and I mean DECKED OUT like gold sequined pants DECKED OUT...) posed for pictures and sipped on cosmos.

I think every modern-day single gal these days has thought of themselves as a "Carrie" at one time or another--especially if they ever wanted to be a writer, live in NYC or find true love. I myself have always thought that I truly *am* like Carrie, having been perpetually single for most of my twenties and writing my own column for a while for the local paper. Plus, I actually AM sitting in my bed right now with a view of the Empire State Building out my window furiously typing on my Macbook Pro (for the record, Carrie never had the view, but still!).

Sadly though, this is where the similarities end. The older I get, and the more I actually live and work in "real life NYC" the more I realize that SATC is just an amazing fantasy that most women are easily sucked into due the crafty writing and universal themes of love, friendship and happiness (oh and the clothes and shoes).

Before I actually lived in NYC, I definitely had a *slightly* skewed view of what life would really be like. NYC is without a doubt the most amazing city in the world, the place where anything seems possible and the energy is palpable, but trust me it's not all cosmos and Manolos (especially without a trust fund or what I like to call a "corner office" job). And dating? While I'm not single right now, I have never seen a man that even resembles Mr. Big-or Aidan for that matter! I like to think of them as mythical men made up of a compilation of every woman in the world's "dream man." Every woman wants either an Aidan or a Big. The thing is, most of the great men I know (including my boyfriend!) have a little of both in them...

That being said, I give the new movie two enthusiastic thumbs up as a great way to spend a couple hours with your girlfriends laughing, crying and remembering that anything is possible...

...queue "Empire State of Mind"...and yes, this song IS in the movie! :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Major life updates

Whoa, whoa, whoa--it's the end of MAY already?! Once again, I've been completely MIA with no good excuse at all. In my defense though, here is a rundown of the major life changes that have occurred since my last post!

Left my job of the past year for a new beginning, said goodbye to some really great and interesting people

Started my new job with an incredible company that is very "likeable!" (more details to come!)

Celebrated my two-year anniversary with my boyfriend (by far the longest relationship of my life for those who were wondering)

Found out said-boyfriend is moving (temporarily, hopefully) to pursue his passion of coaching and teaching and generally molding and influencing young minds (commendable)

I promise to write more (a promise I KEEP making), until then--thanks for sticking with me folks! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Email address frenzy!

Since I first entered the "internetz" circa 1999 I've had 4 different personal email addresses (NOT counting various work email addresses).

First, it was AOL, then my college address, then Hotmail because AOL was "a joke," THEN Yahoo because Hotmail was a joke...and NOW I feel Yahoo might be a joke and I should switch YET again to Gmail?! Where does it end folks? Will I forever be changing my email address every few years just to have the coolest, newest handle or is there really an advantage to me getting a Gmail account? I've completely phased out my AOL account (although as I noted in my earlier post, I totally DO still have my original AIM screen name), I basically keep my Hotmail account as my "sign up for stuff" account that I rarely check, although I definitely still get email there, and my Yahoo is currently my main, sent to my phone, email account.

To be honest, Yahoo works fine for my personal needs and rarely gives me any problems except for the occasional freeze or temporary glitch on my iPhone, but overall, it does the job. So, my question is this, should I really switch to Gmail just "because" or are there legitimate benefits to it? I need some concrete reasons why people! And is there an easy way to get the word out on my new address, any services that will forward from all my old accounts, etc.? Do social media types really judge someone by their email handle--I mean I've seriously heard people say (or occasionally seen people tweet) things like "he called himself a social media expert-and then gave me his Hotmail address, LOLZ" or something to that effect. So what's the deal folks, convince me, switch to Gmail to be "hip" or just stop the insanity and keep what I have for now?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Look!

Wow, I've spent way too much time tonight mulling over my new blog design. While the basic "harbor" theme that I remember loving so much when I first saw it on blogger a few years ago served me well (and reminded me of Newport, RI, one of my favorite places on Earth), I knew it was time for a *slightly* more mature look!

As much as I love, love, love the beach and wanted so badly to make my background a sunset on a pier in Tahiti, I figured I'd give my blog a "city edge" since that's where I currently live and work.

How do you like it folks??

I'd love suggestions, help, ideas, etc. from my readers. Even though I work in social media I have a somewhat limited knowledge of web design, coding, etc. so this took me a few hours but I plan on adding some other stuff soon as well. Twitter widgets, photos, more pages, etc.

Along with the new look I also plan to add a lot more content to the blog and have been jotting down all the crazy things I want to write about on scraps of paper for the last few days now! Call it a "creative burst" but I'm feeling all bloggy again :)

More to come, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I had to post this here because I am still laughing about it a full day later. One of my best friends forwarded me an old IM convo she had saved from a few years ago. It took place I would guess within the first month of my first "real world" job at a PR firm in NY (Editor's note: I spent the previous 3+ years waiting tables by the beach in Newport, RI). Big public thank you to my friend Jen for getting me through those first few rocky weeks. I think we can all appreciate when we first learned of the infamous "BCC"...

(And yes my AOL screename was, and embarasssingly still IS, smilesah)

SmilesAH: what does IT stand for
SmilesAH: like computer fixer for our office is called "IT" guy
jnylee22: IT?
jnylee22: usually Internet and Technology for dept type things at work
jnylee22: is that what you mean
SmilesAH: i dont know these terms, im not cut out for corporate world
SmilesAH: i should just be left to write free flowing poetry and mail it into someone else to publish, i dont like CCing, and did u know u can BCC? and the expression "going forward"?
jnylee22: yeah i never say "going forward"...but i BCC all the time
jnylee22: you know what people say at my work all the time that i hate...?
jnylee22: 'please advise'
SmilesAH: yes, HATE IT...umm BCCing reminds me of that scene in mean girls with the 3 way calling
SmilesAH: i dont like it, its sneaky
jnylee22: yeah people at my work only do it when they're trying to make someone see how stupid someone else is
jnylee22: 'like hey i just bcc'd you on that email to mandy..what a dumbass hahahaha'
jnylee22: and then we all laugh
SmilesAH: can the BCCed see who else got it
jnylee22: yes
jnylee22: but not if someone another bccer
jnylee22: just either the tos or the CCs
jnylee22: the bcc can see everyone except another bccer
SmilesAH: but no one else can see the BCCed
jnylee22: right
SmilesAH: SHIT
SmilesAH: so peopleknow they were Bcc
jnylee22: right
SmilesAH: shitshitshit
SmilesAH: i so wrongly BCCed today!
jnylee22: hahahahahaha
jnylee22: why what happened?
SmilesAH: well i was sending what this reporter thought was an exclusive story idea to him, but I was sending it to another reporter too, so i BCCed one, figuring neither could see each, so The one who was BCCed knows it went to someone else but the one who was To doesnt know anyone else got it right?>
SmilesAH: I need to figure out whose gonna be pissed at me
jnylee22: yes thats exactly it
SmilesAH: so the TO is gonna be pissed
jnylee22: no the BCC is gonna be pissed
SmilesAH: so theres no way to send to multiple people blindly?
SmilesAH: ohh right, the BCC
SmilesAH: the TO didnt see the BCCed
SmilesAH: ahhhhh I hate corporate america, i thought screwing up somones drink order was bad
jnylee22: yeah you can...send it to yourself as the TO and BCC both seperated by commas
SmilesAH: ohhh the double BCC is that legal??
jnylee22: yes very
SmilesAH: u have to TO someone
jnylee22: you do
jnylee22: its just that sometimes with that it looks shady bc they know they got that email somehow and they prob know that trick
SmilesAH: this is very helpful Jen i must say, good thing I didnt also BCC my boss like were supposed to when we send important clients emails, because then shed know my error
SmilesAH: its all coming together, how come no one explained
jnylee22: i thought it was known
SmilesAH: ur like a fountain of knowledge right now
jnylee22: but then again i mustve just got it when i started at verisign
SmilesAH: ive spent the last 7 years of my life behind a frosted glass, how would i know these things
jnylee22: i dont know al, im just glad i was here to help

Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to Happy Allie...

So, seeing as my last post was kinda a downer (and also labeled "melodramatic" by certain family members) I will now (attempt) to return to previously scheduled programming, AKA funny, witty, snarky Allie posts about pop culture, ditsy PR girls and bizarre "only in NYC" observations...

For today, I will observe that NYers "jump the gun" a little when it comes to summer. Yes, today was gorgeous out (hallelujah!) but was it really short shorts weather? I mean was it really teeny-tiny flowered dress weather ladies? Especially when pasty shoulders and unpainted toenails are involved, you may want to at least wait until May to make your summer outfit debut!

I also get a good chuckle out of all the restaurants that suddenly offer "outdoor" seating when the weather turns warm. Sidewalks have never been in such high demand! I have to laugh when there are like 3 tables crammed on the sidewalk and everyone is fighting for the "patio seating."

Also related--I can't do my gosh darn laundry tonight in my building because everyone apparently had the same idea--there is still a line for a washer at nearly 10pm. Oh NY, why must you love me, hate me, and then love me again...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Laugh, Cry, Smile, Frown, Life

Sometimes I get really sad for no reason--or at least no good reason. Sometimes I cry...a lot. Sometimes even though it seems I should be very happy-I'm not. Sometimes it feels like something is missing but I don't know what it is. Sometimes when everything is going right-it still feels wrong. And many times, I wonder-am I the only one feeling this way?

Living in NYC is nothing like I thought it would be-and yet it's everything I thought it would be and more--does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

I often stare at people on the subway and wonder what they do for living, where they're going, where they've been, are they doing what they want to be doing, are they satisfied in their life, etc. etc. But these days, what I've really found myself wondering is what those same people think of me. What image do I portray? Do I look happy? Successful? Smart? Confident? Am I all these things? Depends which day you ask me...

The problem with this city is that I think it may be impossible to be satisfied when you are always faced with the opportunity to be more, do more and have more. Some days this can be a blessing, and other days it can be a curse. Some days I feel so proud of myself for what I've accomplished and other days I feel I have miles to go. I was never one of those people who couldn't be satisfied--in fact I would have to say I was quite the opposite. I used to lead a very content life-and I was just waiting tables and killing time! Now, I have a career, an apartment in the most expensive and desirable city in the world, a real life for myself. Like I said, some days I'm proud-others I wonder why I don't have just a little more.

Lately I've completely morphed into that person that I guess I always secretly admired, that person that pushed the limits and always wanted more. I think now that I've seen what there is to be had out there--and I'm not talking money here, I'm talking experiences, places to go and people to meet--I want it all.

Today the sun was shining--in every way it can. Today I woke up feeling blessed to live here, I ate lunch at Bryant Park knowing how many people in this world will never experience that simple I didn't cry...but yesterday I did...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Olympics!

I've always been a sucker for the Olympics. Maybe it's because the only sports I was ever any good at were gymnastics and track which are only really mainstream during the Olympics. While I've always like the Summer games better for the obvious reasons, the Winter games are made of just as many heartwarming tales and tear-worthy moments, which is what I love most about the Olympic games.

This year's Vancouver games started on a sad note with the passing of the Georgian Luger, but the opening ceremonies in general (especially the parade of athletes!) always invoke tears for me. This year's highlight was the remake of "We are the World" (watch the video here if you haven't seen it--pretty awesome), and lots of surprise celebrity Canadian guests. Who knew there were so many famous Canadians?

My absolute favorite thing about the Olympics is the behind the scenes stories you don't see on the medal stand. The lone bob-sledder from Ghana that somehow overcame the odds to make it to the games, or the kid from America who grew up poor and made it out of poverty because of their "gift." What can I say, I've always loved a good story!

This Olympics, I'll be looking forward to watching some snowboarding (go Gretchen Bleiler!) as well as some skating and hockey. What's your favorite part of the games?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Was there a football game?

I watch the Superbowl for the commercials, the halftime show and the snacks--let's face it-I just don't get the sport! As usual, there were good commercials, bad commercials and meh commercials. I know every blogger out there has analyzed and dissected and linked to just about every ad so I won't rehash it all here. I'll simply note that the best ad of the night-the only one that evoked true emotion-which I believe is the sign of advertising perfection, was the Google, Parisian Love ad. Hands down. Simple, to the point, told a story, displayed the product, memorable. For those of you who somehow missed it, Enjoy!

Beyond this-I laughed a few times and enjoyed Betty White Snickers, Dodge Charger, The Doritos ones (they were "edgy" come on) and the Megan Fox Motorola Ad. I definitely noticed a not so subtle theme of threatened masculinity and wonder if men are really that insecure? I'd like to think not...

What was YOUR favorite ad?

Ew-I'm old!

This weekend I was reminded that 21 was a loooong time ago and 18 was well, even longer...

As I waited on a LINE at 10pm on a Saturday night at a bar that I was clearly too old for (was there for a going away party-didn't CHOOSE bar that shall remain anonymous but is probably sounding familiar, especially if you are from LI!), I was freezing, but at least wearing ample clothing and "comfortable" shoes in comparison with the girls in itty bitty skirts and high heels, it occurred to me that I am now "sensible?!" I remember vividly running from our cars to the bar or skipping between frat houses in a tank top and black pants-no coat-even in the winter-because that was the "thing" to do. God I was stupid back then!

Standing in a mosh of loud music, flailing arms and splashing sticky cocktails is soo not fun to me--yet eons ago I swear it was! The night actually turned out comical and a pleasant reminder of naive youth and the way your idea of fun "evolves" the older you get. It was also funny to note that most of the music "kids today" were dancing and singing along to was popular "in my day." Bet they don't even know who sings half those songs! :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

13 degrees!

It's cold this morning in the NYC. There is a major draft coming through the heater in my new apartment--go figure. I'm up earlier than I would have liked due to the cold and the contradicting bright sun streaming through my window...

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Last week I was in Tyson's Corner, VA for a Social Media for Government conference. It was pretty rad. I got to hear from a bunch of brilliant minds on the topics of privacy, security, community building and new social media tools. I got to put a real face to some of the tiny little avatar pictures I've been following on twitter forever. It was good to be meeting people and learning-two things I always want to be accomplishing in my professional life.

Last weekend I moved which was relatively easy thanks to Arturo's moving van company (highly recommend!). As I slowly get settled in, figure out where to put my TV to optimize the viewing angle, wait for my couch delivery (another shout out-downtown furniture in Chinatown delivers and assembles for free!) and muster up the strength to venture outside for a DD coffee, I feel grateful for my (relatively) warm bed and roof over my head when hundreds of thousands of people are living in tent cities without food or clean drinking water. So yes, it may be chilly here in NY today, and everything may not be perfect in my life-but taking a minute to realize how very lucky I really am is always a surefire way to jump start my day!

PS, if you haven't donated any money yet to help the people of Haiti--please sacrifice your Starbucks today and do so here.

Friday, January 29, 2010

RI really is a backwards state!

Now don't get me wrong--during my 7 years living in the tiniest state in the union--I found a lot to love about such a small state. Specifically, The Coast Guard House, the "wall" in Narragansett, Picnic Basket deli, live reggae at Ocean Mist in Matunuck, The Station House for cheap breakfast in Kingston, everything about Newport, stuffed Quahogs, Thayer St. in Providence...and the list goes on and on...

That being said-I have to take a minute to call out the state for some of their odd and archaic workings. I last resided in RI in December 2006--more than 3 years ago. A few weeks ago I received a suspicious letter from a law firm in RI stating that I owed taxes for a car I no longer even own from 2005--yes nearly 5 years ago! Thinking it was scam, I investigated further and found out that I indeed owe this money and also now have received a bill from the Newport, RI "tax collector" for 2006 and 2007. When I called to nicely ask why I never received one bill and to explain that I now live in NYC and sold that car months ago, they informed me that "bills don't always get sent" but you should "just know" you owe RI state taxes each year for your car? WTF RI, sooo confusing--is this even legal?? Long story short I am now mailing a check to my ex-favorite little state to pay a mysterious tax for an old car...

This whole ordeal reminded me of the other little idiosyncrasies that people always mentioned about RI. Like the fact that they are the ONLY state to still celebrate "V-Day" as in "Victory over Japan Day" as a federal holiday! Also, up until maybe a year ago, their toll bridge in Newport didn't get EZ pass and didn't have any kind of gate system like say, the Midtown Tunnel does. Not saying I ever did this, but I "heard" that you could just throw a penny instead of a token into the slot and it would still let you drive right through...

So as much as I miss cruising down Ocean Drive in Newport in that car that I am now paying back taxes on...I guess I'm glad to be living in NY, where at least all the rules make sense--well sorta... :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Team Conan!

Who else will be glued to their TV tonight to watch what Conan has to say?? I loved loved loved his statement for those of you who haven't read it yet, you must! I personally think it's honest and sincere... I have always been a "Leno followed by Conan watcher" (when I'm not watching late night Friends reruns that is...) but I gotta say I think what NBC is trying to do to Conan is pretty lame. Just because Leno didn't work out doesn't mean Conan shouldn't get the proper amount of time to make the Tonight Show his own...doesn't seem fair! I hope NBC can find a solution that suits everyone, including my favorite Late Nighter Jimmy Fallon (see my previous post about him here). Tune in tonight folks!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Does anyone really like January and February??

Post holiday blues. Seasonal Depression. Dark by 5pm. COLD! Welcome to January folks! Happy 2010 :)

This January finds me searching for an apartment (again). What's that Sex and The City quote, "Every woman in NYC is always searching for a job, an aparment or a boyfriend--you never have all three." Yeah, that's my life.

I'm feeling some good vibes for 2010 so I'm going to try and remain positive. On that note, I wanted to TRY and list some GOOD things about January and February. I am sure I'm not alone in my general hatred for these months. Add your "happy thoughts" about Jan/Feb in the comments!

1) MLK Day--oh wait--do I still get this day off? If not, then scratch that...
2) American Idol starts
3) Superbowl! (Only for the food and commercials though...)
4) Groundhog's Day--this is uhhh...a fun holiday? Ohh and it's my mom's bday too!
5) I won't say Valentine's Day because I have really never been a fan--even with a boyfriend--but SOME might enjoy this hallmark holiday...
6) Pretty snow/skiing/snowboarding
7) NYC Winter Restaurant Week (I will be taking advantage this year!)

Ok really can't think of any other good things about January and February, at least not here in the frigid me beat the blues people! :)