
Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to Happy Allie...

So, seeing as my last post was kinda a downer (and also labeled "melodramatic" by certain family members) I will now (attempt) to return to previously scheduled programming, AKA funny, witty, snarky Allie posts about pop culture, ditsy PR girls and bizarre "only in NYC" observations...

For today, I will observe that NYers "jump the gun" a little when it comes to summer. Yes, today was gorgeous out (hallelujah!) but was it really short shorts weather? I mean was it really teeny-tiny flowered dress weather ladies? Especially when pasty shoulders and unpainted toenails are involved, you may want to at least wait until May to make your summer outfit debut!

I also get a good chuckle out of all the restaurants that suddenly offer "outdoor" seating when the weather turns warm. Sidewalks have never been in such high demand! I have to laugh when there are like 3 tables crammed on the sidewalk and everyone is fighting for the "patio seating."

Also related--I can't do my gosh darn laundry tonight in my building because everyone apparently had the same idea--there is still a line for a washer at nearly 10pm. Oh NY, why must you love me, hate me, and then love me again...

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