
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stuff to do to keep your sanity...

People are always telling me to enjoy my temporary unemployment and do all the things I've always wanted to do but didn't have time for. Unfortunately without a steady paycheck most of these things are not actually do-able (for example, my yet to be taken trip to Central America) but these people do have a point. I know I should be using my time wisely because I plan on working, at least in some form, for the next 50 years or so.

Some days I think sleeping late, watching Ellen and reading the newspaper is a wisely spent day, but lately I have been really trying to fill my time with meaningful activities or at least I plan to from today on! Hopefully my free days are limited as I have some hopeful opportunities brewing...(fingers AND toes crossed!)

In no particular order, here are some things I have been doing/plan on doing/recommend doing until your back among the employed:

1)Drink coffee--especially at random spots. Since I have been laid off, drinking coffee has become more of an activity than something I just do at my desk as a quick way to fuel up before a hard day's work. I now have the time to leisurely sip coffee at relaxing/cool places such as coffee houses, parks, etc. Plus coffee is pretty cheap so it's a great time-passer for the unemployed. Tea works too :)

2)Read a lot. I have always loved to read but was usually too tired/burnt out to read leisure books. One of the first things I did when I got laid off was head over to Border's and pick up a few good books to get lost in.

3)Get organized. Make to-do lists, clean out your closets, organize photos, music, etc. It costs nothing, makes you feel motivated and is something you will NEVER have time for once you go back to work.

4)Visit museums, art galleries etc. I keep saying I am going to do this. I don't really know why I haven't yet, it seems like a lovely idea. I'll let you know when I finally cross this one off my t0-do list!

5) Get in shape. Again, this is one that I have SAID I am going to do, but have only taken very small steps in actually doing. I bought a new arm band for my ipod, dug out my spandex and Nike's and plotted all the scenic places I will run. I've only actually gone like 3 times but as the weather gets warmer I promise to go more!

If I am still unemployed in the summer, I will add a number 6, spend every free moment at the beach, but here's hoping that I'll be blissfully trapped in an office this summer dreaming of my weekends on Fire Island :)

Anyone have anything else to add to my list?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A little perspective...

Sometimes the right atmosphere can really put things in perspective...Some acoustic, soul-searching tunes, a little coffee and some creative vibes makes things suddenly seem least for now...

I realize more and more that I don't always follow the norm and that sometimes my idea of a great life is different than the typical American Dream. Sure, I want to be rich, who doesn't, but I want my riches to come from chasing my dreams and pursuing my passions, from leading a creative, adventurous and fulfilling life and from making a difference in the world at least in some small way. I don't want a cushy, high paying office job and I would be very happy to donate all my pinstripe suits to goodwill tomorrow.

I realize it's a little naive to think that I can make it without a "real job" right now. I know that my secret dream of being discovered and paid well to blog and twitter all-day long or to write a book is pretty far-fetched, but I'm hoping that this time to reflect will lead me to the life I have always pictured for myself. I am learning to be OK with waiting, I think I have slowly developed patience, which is a virtue I definitely didn't have until recently. I know that one day I will have my perfect Manhattan address, a jam packed social schedule, a creative job and a nice paycheck.

I would call my current state one of both peace and transition. I am enjoying the extra time with loved ones, the days free to read, write and learn and I'm trying not to take anything too seriously. I just read a blog post by a woman who quit her job after eight years to give herself one year to make it as a writer. It was really inspiring and also comforting. I figure if she can take that risk than I should look at my temporary unemployment as a gift and an opportunity. Some may call me a dreamer, but I think my day will come. Until then, I think I am doing all the right things and I am not going to let this setback change who I am and how I live.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I've been tangled up in the web that is "the job search." I have been lucky enough to go on several interviews for several different jobs, but so far, nothing has been "the perfect fit." Am I absolutely nuts for wanting perfection, especially in "these economic times??" Sorry for all the quotes, but I am getting so frustrated!!!

Major gripe numero uno of my job search thus far...PEOPLE NOT GETTING BACK TO YOU!! Lately I have noticed the striking similarities between the interview process and the dating process. You go on that first interview (first date) and feel each other out. You may think it went really well and they may think otherwise or vice versa. Either way, it usually ends with those three little words..."I'll call you." Why, oh why do people say they are going to call and then make me sleep with my phone under my pillow waiting for said call?? Thank you to all those people who did get back to me, whether it was good news or bad...but for those of you that simply never called, never responded to my follow-up emails, etc...shame on you! One extremely well-known PR firm in particular whose name I won't mention but who really should know better promised to call me "either way"...I'm still waiting...

My other issue is that maybe I am living in a dream world, and not factoring in the whole economic meltdown, but I think there is a certain amount that is needed to live and work in Manhattan. How some positions can expect their employees to live off what they are offering is unreal to me...I mean, I totally get that times are tough, but rent is still rent and bills are still bills. Not all of us have a trust fund or some big savings account to fall back on. I think you get what you pay for and if someone is not willing to pay for talent and experience than they are not are not being realistic about what they can expect from a potential employee.

Am I being crazy for not refusing to settle?? I definitely want a job that I will love and be excited to go to everyday...I am totally willing to prove my worth, and I have always been willing to pay my dues. Life usually throws me opportunities at the randomest times, and most of the choices I have made and chances I have taken have proved worth it in the end. I'm sure whatever I end up doing next will be no exception. Until then, I'll keep on writing, keep on truckin' and keep on dreamin'!