
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Live from the Bolt Bus...

it's the quintessential grey day in New England day as I ride the Bolt Bus up to Boston for a weekend with old friends. I, of course, am pensive as a listen to my ipod and think about my future, my career, my life choices, etc. (you know, the usual).

In a few weeks I will have my first official Manhattan address (after 6 months or so with an "unofficial" one...) in a great little starter apartment. I'm calling it a starter apartment because it is exactly how I imagined my first NYC apartment. Nothing fancy, but charming in it's own way and right in the center of all the beautiful chaos the NYC (in particular the east village) has to offer. I went the widely accepted "Craig's List" route and I'm looking forward to this new chapter for me.

Apartment hunting in NYC is quite a comical if not a harrowing experience, especially if you don't have $4,000 a month for a luxury studio (which in all reality is probably still the size of a non city dweller's bathroom or kitchen). Things that are acceptable in NYC as living conditions would NEVER fly in the suburbs. I was appalled to find out that the rumored "bitchen" (combo kitchen/bath) actually did exist...AND it still costed an absurd amount! Other frightening conditions include the "loft" style living which more times than not means that you sleep in an attic-like alcove the only fits your bed and that would induce a head injury if you actually stood up when getting out of bed. No thanks!

When I told my mother that I had finally found a place, she innocently asked, "does it have a doorman?" Haha, I just laughed. She had remembered that when I first ambitiously started looking for apartments in NYC, I listed doorman, roof deck, and pass-through kitchen as some of my must-haves. My new apartment has none of these. These can only be attained by wealth, living in an un-cool, inconvenient neighborhood (hello FiDi) or extreme luck. These things are still on my list of eventual necessities for my future digs, but for now, I'm happy with a place that isn't a 5th floor walkup, has windows in the bedroom, and has a separate space for showering and cooking. Hey, it's the little things...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quick post

Just wanted to write my first post from my new lovely and sleek Mac Book Pro. Problem 1 of why I wasn't writing often enough is now solved so I must think of a new excuse :)

My apartment hunting saga is also drawing to a close so I have to get that post in order as well. Tonight I had a weird, scene from a movie/epiphany moment walking back from the subway through Midtown. This random Mary J Blige song came on my iPod (I think it was called Baggage?) and all the sudden the words and the beat and the lights of the Empire State Building just aligned and I found myself smiling, holding my head up a little higher than normal and swaying to the music while I tried not to shiver from the cold (yes west coast readers-fall has arrived here in NY...). Anyway I felt like I should be the opening scene to some movie where the main character moves to NY with just a suitcase and a dream and by the end she overcomes hardship to find love, success and money. So who would play me? I'd be happy with a Natalie Portman/Keira Knightley type I think :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Post

Wow, it's been so long since I've written, it's not even the same season anymore!


1) I really need a new laptop or netbook (send all donations to )
2) I've been in the process of moving/apartment hunting (whole looooong seperate post to come on that)

Also, I've been trying to figure out what exactly I should be posting on here. I see my blog and as a place for me to publicly document my life and write about random things I experience, feel, observe, etc. I hope I'm not oversharing but at the same time I've enjoyed having this outlet as a strictly fun and non-work related place to write and express myself. So that's what I'm going to keep it as. As much as I love reading fellow marketing, PR and social media people's blogs that focus on the business, I kinda like the alliezog blog as a (mostly) non-industry related space. Of course from time to time my love for social media, technology and all other things geeky will show through, but I hope I can maintain this blog as a place to ramble on about my life, whether anyone will read it or not.

So stay tuned for my experiences on apartment hunting in NYC (EPIC TORTURE), bits about my favorite TV shows (Gossip Girl, Mad Men to name a few...) and other random things that fasicnate me. As for my opinions on the state of print journalism, the world of politics, and fun new social media tools (all topics of great interest to me) they may seep in from time to time but for now, they are not the main subject of this blog :-)