
Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Season

Been a busy holiday season! Hence the infrequent posts...errr sorry!

Here are a few photos of what I've been doing. Mainly a nice blend of cheesy holiday tourist stuff (Bryant Park tree, Rockerfeller Center tree, Saks Window peeping, Peppermint Mocha-twist sipping, etc.) also some work functions mixed in and lots of shopping, baking (ok I'm lying about the baking, but I WANT to do some!) and lots of stress! I seem to always get really stressed this time of year no matter what is going on. It always seems like I have a million things to do and I freak out (I "freak out" alot...).

Anyway, I was snowed in tonight, just hanging out and catching up, so I figured I'd do the recap thing. Also, I just wrote a guest blog post to be appearing soon on my bosses blog Not sure when it will be up, but keep checking's a fun read!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twitter, Facebook, Digg: Can You Join Too Many Networks?

Twitter, Facebook, Digg: Can You Join Too Many Networks?

Great article! Yay for new media...enjoy :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have been adding new blogs to my RSS feeder for about 2 hours now. My boyfriend just called me out on the phone. He claimed I was holding the phone in one hand and scrolling through websites with the other--not entirely true--I had the phone balanced on my shoulder and was using both hands to read the latest on Mashable and Geeksugar... ;)

I think I have a newfound love of tech gadgets...I decided I must have one of these (see above, still learning about picture placement...) Calling Steve Jobs, I would gladly accept an early x-mas present :)

As of this moment, I have accounts on:

Linked In
Myspace (is anyone using this anymore?)

I'm sure there's I missing any good ones??

My next steps (gotta save some excitement for the weekend) are to upload a bunch of photos to Flickr and possibly some video to Vimeo. Stay tuned :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

A parade, a move, a movIE and lots of pumpkin bread...

This is my first blog post from what I'm calling a "change of venue." I am temporarily living at my parent's winter home (ok it's their summer, fall, and spring home too, but doesn't it sound more glamorous that way??). I have decided to move in here because a) my former roommates wanted to move (without me, more or less) b) I couldn't afford much of a place on my own and c) I'm hoping my next move lands me in the 212 area code as a resident and not just a frequent guest...

So in between turkey, the parade, and the holiday shopping frenzy, I made the journey back home...with a little (ok A LOT) of help from loved ones...

I'm hoping the peace and simpleness of home will give my mind and body the rejuvenation and motivation I need to get to work on fulfilling all my life's dreams and "to-do before I'm 30" items...

What else did I do on this long and much needed weekend? I went to the Macy's Parade for the first time ever. Reaction? Fun, a must-do once sorta thing, a warm and fuzzy feeling activity, especially if you're with someone you feel warm and fuzzy about. Suggestion to Mr. Macy--the "celebrities" should wear signs or something, I couldn't tell the Jonas Brothers from ummm, other people, especially when they weren't performing in front of me.

I also took in a flick this weekend with the mom. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. One word-Haunting. If you haven't seen it, you should, if you can stand a depressing, core-shaking movie, but one that like my mom said, needs to be seen. After it ended the theater was literally silent for a good five minutes and no one spoke or moved. Can't remember the last time I saw that happen...

It's Monday night, I've watched my Gossip Girl, shopped online, read some blogs, and now it's lights out...tomorrow is a new day, I've got lots of work to do, but I'm hoping this will be a good week!