
Thursday, August 28, 2008

History in the Making...

Obama's speech was powerful...8 is enough...I liked it!

So are we ready for a black president?? I really am...but I know from just my small network that some people will just NEVER be ready for that. I hope people recognize the significance of it all whether they are black, white, yellow, democratic, republican or green!

It really is historic, and that "Proud to be an American" song is playing in my head right now on repeat!

That's all for now...I think I'll go read some political blogs...I'm such a geek!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alexander Graham Bell would be pissed...

I love texting, instant messaging, email, facebook, twitter etc. as much as anyone (it's my JOB for that matter!) but it occurred to me today that I haven't actually heard many of my best friends voices in weeks and sometimes even months.

Well electronic communication is easy and convenient, I miss voices, thick accents, and obnoxious laughs that make a person a human and not a robot. So friends (and even family--you know who you are!) if you are reading this little piece of new media communication, and I thank you for it, pick up the phone and call me this week. You know you miss my NY/Boston/RI accent, my fast talking, and my overuse of the word "like."

PS, Reading my away messages and facebook status updates does not mean that we have "caught up!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What'd you call me?

Yesterday afternoon found me and our VP at a sales training seminar in the Financial District for most of the afternoon. Yawn I thought, Big yawn. Surprisingly though, it was not only interesting but also quite useful.

At first I didn't think of myself as being in sales, but I quickly realized that selling myself and my business is really the same as selling say...toner. It's all in the approach. Jim Ryerson from Sales Octane was energetic and hilarious as he pointed out to everyone in the room what they probably already knew about themselves but tried to hide.

He crushed our VP with the news that she isn't quite as organized and detail oriented as people think. "But I balance my checkbook everyday," she pleaded looking for his approval (apparently another trait of Drivers and Influencers, which she and I both are!).

So did he get it right with me? Well I'll let you decide. Argumentative, enthusiastic, sometimes hard to manage (hehe), impulsive, people-oriented, wants to be the life of the party, outgoing, persuasive, get the idea...

Interesting stuff, and the best part was when he not only related your personality type to business relationships but to personal ones as well. I think I may have picked up a few valuable tips...I can't wait to read "The 5 Languages of Love," as recommended by Jim for even more insight!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Transitions and Dreams...and Other Stuff...

Transitions at work, transitions in my personal life, growing older, becoming boring, being poor, being an adult. Will I be rich? famous? happy? Will I see the world? Will I do all the things on my mental "To do before I die" list? These are the things that keep me up at night and that I drive my boyfriend, family and friends crazy with!

I've had an uneasy feeling lately that I can't put my finger on. Is it hesitation to move forward or is it an eagerness to get there? Am I doing what I really want, am I chasing my dreams, am I working towards a future rich with success, personally and financially?

I think the Olympics has unearthed my dreamer tendencies. When I was little, I was a gymnast and dreamed of being in the Olympics. I even wrote poems and short stories about it. My mom saved one that ran in Newsday's Kidsday section once and I came across it recently...

I've always had big dreams. Not the wedding, white picket fence ones, but the bombs flying over head well reporting on a war kind. I even have my "famous name" picked out and have since I was about 15 and purchased a fake ID with the chosen alias of Allie Waters. I've grown to like Allie Zog though so I'm thinking when I do publish my first novel I'll keep the Zog name alive.

As I mentioned on a previous post there is another Allie Herzog is NYC, and working in PR as well coincidently. I'm still waiting for us to meet, I wonder if the universe will implode or something when we end up in the same room one day? I'm a little sad that I have to share my name with someone, I wonder if she goes by Zog too...?

Enough rambling, here's to the dreamers!

Friday, August 1, 2008


So now that I am officially a year older, I thought I might like to take a look back at 26 and review the "deliverables" if you will. At 26 the following things occurred:

  • My first full year at a "real" job
  • Realization that I am now closer to 30 than 20 has sunk
  • Made new friends and met new and interesting professional contacts
  • Went to Vegas for "work" (thanks Hil!)
  • Became a social media/blogging expert (well sorta)
  • Realized that my family is pretty cool (it seems the older I get, the more I enjoy hanging with the fam)
  • Spent a full year living on the beach and not taking advantage of it nearly enough
I'm sure there was a lot more, but I can't seem to think of it right now!

Looking ahead to 27, I hope to write more, learn more, meet more people, make more money (well come on, who doesn't!) and travel to a foreign country. I think I can do it, can I get a little motivation??? :)