
Monday, May 16, 2011


One thing I decided my blog is lacking is photos... I'm really more of a words person than an artsy picturey type person but I do love taking pics and hope that I am getting more artistic with age! That being said, I'd like to integrate a lot more photography or at least fun moment-capturing pics into this blog. I also think it will help me "cheat" on days I don't have a lot of time to type a lengthy post - I'll just post a cool pic and a caption and be on my way :)


This picture might not seem like anything great but it was a moment in my weekend worth sharing so I thought I'd do so here.

My few and proud loyal readers know that my boyfriend currently lives in a far away land called Buffalo, NY. The long distance thing is hard and sometimes I turn all winey girl and admittedly make it even harder. Last night was one of those nights...

This morning I woke up to a rainy Sunday and my mood wasn't much better than the night before. But then I got a text from the bf telling me to check my twitter (editors note, FF is NOT a frequent tweeter by any stretch...) When I checked it this was the tweet I saw:

About 30 minutes later, french toast and coffee arrives from Big Daddy's. This little gesture made my heart melt (something I normally don't admit) because it was thoughtful and perfect and one of those "little things" that is really a big thing.

Also major bonus points for incorporating social media into it all! :)