
Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Olympics!

I've always been a sucker for the Olympics. Maybe it's because the only sports I was ever any good at were gymnastics and track which are only really mainstream during the Olympics. While I've always like the Summer games better for the obvious reasons, the Winter games are made of just as many heartwarming tales and tear-worthy moments, which is what I love most about the Olympic games.

This year's Vancouver games started on a sad note with the passing of the Georgian Luger, but the opening ceremonies in general (especially the parade of athletes!) always invoke tears for me. This year's highlight was the remake of "We are the World" (watch the video here if you haven't seen it--pretty awesome), and lots of surprise celebrity Canadian guests. Who knew there were so many famous Canadians?

My absolute favorite thing about the Olympics is the behind the scenes stories you don't see on the medal stand. The lone bob-sledder from Ghana that somehow overcame the odds to make it to the games, or the kid from America who grew up poor and made it out of poverty because of their "gift." What can I say, I've always loved a good story!

This Olympics, I'll be looking forward to watching some snowboarding (go Gretchen Bleiler!) as well as some skating and hockey. What's your favorite part of the games?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Was there a football game?

I watch the Superbowl for the commercials, the halftime show and the snacks--let's face it-I just don't get the sport! As usual, there were good commercials, bad commercials and meh commercials. I know every blogger out there has analyzed and dissected and linked to just about every ad so I won't rehash it all here. I'll simply note that the best ad of the night-the only one that evoked true emotion-which I believe is the sign of advertising perfection, was the Google, Parisian Love ad. Hands down. Simple, to the point, told a story, displayed the product, memorable. For those of you who somehow missed it, Enjoy!

Beyond this-I laughed a few times and enjoyed Betty White Snickers, Dodge Charger, The Doritos ones (they were "edgy" come on) and the Megan Fox Motorola Ad. I definitely noticed a not so subtle theme of threatened masculinity and wonder if men are really that insecure? I'd like to think not...

What was YOUR favorite ad?

Ew-I'm old!

This weekend I was reminded that 21 was a loooong time ago and 18 was well, even longer...

As I waited on a LINE at 10pm on a Saturday night at a bar that I was clearly too old for (was there for a going away party-didn't CHOOSE bar that shall remain anonymous but is probably sounding familiar, especially if you are from LI!), I was freezing, but at least wearing ample clothing and "comfortable" shoes in comparison with the girls in itty bitty skirts and high heels, it occurred to me that I am now "sensible?!" I remember vividly running from our cars to the bar or skipping between frat houses in a tank top and black pants-no coat-even in the winter-because that was the "thing" to do. God I was stupid back then!

Standing in a mosh of loud music, flailing arms and splashing sticky cocktails is soo not fun to me--yet eons ago I swear it was! The night actually turned out comical and a pleasant reminder of naive youth and the way your idea of fun "evolves" the older you get. It was also funny to note that most of the music "kids today" were dancing and singing along to was popular "in my day." Bet they don't even know who sings half those songs! :)