
Saturday, December 12, 2009

2010--The List

FF mentioned recently that we should make a list of things we want do/accomplish in 2010. The list will not only consist of the tradional goals, resolutions, etc but also contain little things that for whatever reason we have not done, despite saying we have wanted to a million times. I'm making my own list here and hopefully his will be similar :)

Here goes...

1) Travel Internationally--My passport is ready, I read travel blogs daily and I've got a whole separate list of all my preffered destinations but I will be happy with one "out of North America' trip per year starting in 2010. I WILL DO THIS IN ONE!

2) Go to More Plays--I work walking distance to the theater district and live a subway ride away. There is just no excuse for not culture-ing it up more. Yes, theater tickets are pricey, but I actually just edited the title of this one from "Broadway Shows" to "Plays." Off-Broadway are probably awesome too, and there's deals on Broadway shows if you look for them.

3) Buy Stock--Random, I know but I think it's time to get into the stockmarket game. I mean I follow tech trends, have tons of brands I am passionate about and I live in NYC. Gotta get in the game! Any hot tips for me? :)

4) Cook more--This one actually requires a bigger kitchen and a lot more "supplies" but I would really love to learn how to cook and bake better and think this is something I would really enjoy once I have the right space.

Specific Places I want to go in 2010:

Musuems! (MoMa Tim Burton exhibit, the Met, etc.)

Weekend getaway in the Mountains (snowboarding, lodges, fireplaces--maybe upstate NY, VT, NH, etc)

Beach Vacay (hopefully to be tied in with my Number 1 'International Travel"

I will be back to add to this--this was just my random middle of the day on a Saturday start!


Lisa-isms said...

Good list - very the dream!

..WW.. said...

" CUTER ! " it