
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Post b'day roundup...

Hello there! It's been Eons since I've blogged (at least on here, but please consider reading my company's fabulous blog at of shameless plug) I'm a year older now and realize that I now REALLY need to focus on my "things to do before 30" goals seeing as I only have 364 days left to accomplish them!

I had dinner with some old college friends recently and we had a wonderful night reminiscing and catching up. I was so excited to hear that many of them read my blog and even noticed my recent lack of posts! In typical "good friend" fashion, they didn't give a crap that I was "busy with work stuff" and demanded I write more. Point taken! I plan on getting started on my list today (ok tomorrow, I'm still recovering from my birthday shots today) and with that list comes lots of fun blog posts to write.

As a warning, my posts may turn to sappy love song style sentiment over the coming weeks and I begin to embark on a long distance relationship with FF. He's moving (temporarily!) next week to pursue his teaching degree and we will be doing the LD thing for a year or so...any tips for LDR's are greatly appreciated!

Number one on my before 30 list.....drumroll please....TRAVEL MORE! This is not news to any anyone who regularly reads this but it really needs to be a priority now that 3-0 is getting closer every day! What else do I NEED to do before 30 folks? Let me know!

Monday, July 19, 2010

An escape...

Rich greens, deep blues birds chirping and ocean breezes-things I rarely (ok never) see from the confines of my 15th floor NYC apartment were all just part of the norm at a place I like to call paradise. Nope, not the Carribean or even Hawaii, my slice of heaven can be found in the wonderful little state of RI, and most recently on Block Island, RI.

Life in RI is so simple and peaceful and when my boyfriend and I recently visited 'the Block" we honestly felt like we were on some fantasy island. People were friendly and said hello
as they passed you by, cab drivers were jovial and helpful and chatty in the good way not the-I'm on my phone speaking erraticly in a foreign language-way. Ironically both cab drivers that we had while visiting (you only needed a cab to and from the ferry, the rest of the time you strolled or rode a bike-ahh sighhhh) were people that lived on Block Island year-round and loved the peaceful picture perfect setting. One guy told us he came for a job as teacher and never left. At this point I was convinced that I should cancel my return trip and apply for a job at the Block Island Times but my cab driver just laughed and agreed that they "probably didn't pay much."

After a lovely and relaxing trip of seafood, beaches, coronas, moped-riding and pretty sunsets, we headed back to NY and I found myself wondering "Am I really a city girl, or do I belong in a tiny little beach town?" I'm constantly torn between the desire to be really successful in my career which probably requires at least a few years in a big city and the desire to live in a quaint town near the beach. Unfortunately I'm not sure there's much of a market f
or a Social Media Marketer, blogger or otherwise-at least on Block Island. In fact, I kinda got the feeling that if I tried to explain what I did to any of the locals, they'd be confused in the way that my 80-year grandmother is.

For now, I'm back to city-girl Allie, but I can't wait for my next vacation! I highly recommend a visit to Block Island for anyone looking for a relaxing and perfect little beach getaway in the Northeast.