
Saturday, January 30, 2010

13 degrees!

It's cold this morning in the NYC. There is a major draft coming through the heater in my new apartment--go figure. I'm up earlier than I would have liked due to the cold and the contradicting bright sun streaming through my window...

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. Last week I was in Tyson's Corner, VA for a Social Media for Government conference. It was pretty rad. I got to hear from a bunch of brilliant minds on the topics of privacy, security, community building and new social media tools. I got to put a real face to some of the tiny little avatar pictures I've been following on twitter forever. It was good to be meeting people and learning-two things I always want to be accomplishing in my professional life.

Last weekend I moved which was relatively easy thanks to Arturo's moving van company (highly recommend!). As I slowly get settled in, figure out where to put my TV to optimize the viewing angle, wait for my couch delivery (another shout out-downtown furniture in Chinatown delivers and assembles for free!) and muster up the strength to venture outside for a DD coffee, I feel grateful for my (relatively) warm bed and roof over my head when hundreds of thousands of people are living in tent cities without food or clean drinking water. So yes, it may be chilly here in NY today, and everything may not be perfect in my life-but taking a minute to realize how very lucky I really am is always a surefire way to jump start my day!

PS, if you haven't donated any money yet to help the people of Haiti--please sacrifice your Starbucks today and do so here.

Friday, January 29, 2010

RI really is a backwards state!

Now don't get me wrong--during my 7 years living in the tiniest state in the union--I found a lot to love about such a small state. Specifically, The Coast Guard House, the "wall" in Narragansett, Picnic Basket deli, live reggae at Ocean Mist in Matunuck, The Station House for cheap breakfast in Kingston, everything about Newport, stuffed Quahogs, Thayer St. in Providence...and the list goes on and on...

That being said-I have to take a minute to call out the state for some of their odd and archaic workings. I last resided in RI in December 2006--more than 3 years ago. A few weeks ago I received a suspicious letter from a law firm in RI stating that I owed taxes for a car I no longer even own from 2005--yes nearly 5 years ago! Thinking it was scam, I investigated further and found out that I indeed owe this money and also now have received a bill from the Newport, RI "tax collector" for 2006 and 2007. When I called to nicely ask why I never received one bill and to explain that I now live in NYC and sold that car months ago, they informed me that "bills don't always get sent" but you should "just know" you owe RI state taxes each year for your car? WTF RI, sooo confusing--is this even legal?? Long story short I am now mailing a check to my ex-favorite little state to pay a mysterious tax for an old car...

This whole ordeal reminded me of the other little idiosyncrasies that people always mentioned about RI. Like the fact that they are the ONLY state to still celebrate "V-Day" as in "Victory over Japan Day" as a federal holiday! Also, up until maybe a year ago, their toll bridge in Newport didn't get EZ pass and didn't have any kind of gate system like say, the Midtown Tunnel does. Not saying I ever did this, but I "heard" that you could just throw a penny instead of a token into the slot and it would still let you drive right through...

So as much as I miss cruising down Ocean Drive in Newport in that car that I am now paying back taxes on...I guess I'm glad to be living in NY, where at least all the rules make sense--well sorta... :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Team Conan!

Who else will be glued to their TV tonight to watch what Conan has to say?? I loved loved loved his statement for those of you who haven't read it yet, you must! I personally think it's honest and sincere... I have always been a "Leno followed by Conan watcher" (when I'm not watching late night Friends reruns that is...) but I gotta say I think what NBC is trying to do to Conan is pretty lame. Just because Leno didn't work out doesn't mean Conan shouldn't get the proper amount of time to make the Tonight Show his own...doesn't seem fair! I hope NBC can find a solution that suits everyone, including my favorite Late Nighter Jimmy Fallon (see my previous post about him here). Tune in tonight folks!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Does anyone really like January and February??

Post holiday blues. Seasonal Depression. Dark by 5pm. COLD! Welcome to January folks! Happy 2010 :)

This January finds me searching for an apartment (again). What's that Sex and The City quote, "Every woman in NYC is always searching for a job, an aparment or a boyfriend--you never have all three." Yeah, that's my life.

I'm feeling some good vibes for 2010 so I'm going to try and remain positive. On that note, I wanted to TRY and list some GOOD things about January and February. I am sure I'm not alone in my general hatred for these months. Add your "happy thoughts" about Jan/Feb in the comments!

1) MLK Day--oh wait--do I still get this day off? If not, then scratch that...
2) American Idol starts
3) Superbowl! (Only for the food and commercials though...)
4) Groundhog's Day--this is uhhh...a fun holiday? Ohh and it's my mom's bday too!
5) I won't say Valentine's Day because I have really never been a fan--even with a boyfriend--but SOME might enjoy this hallmark holiday...
6) Pretty snow/skiing/snowboarding
7) NYC Winter Restaurant Week (I will be taking advantage this year!)

Ok really can't think of any other good things about January and February, at least not here in the frigid me beat the blues people! :)