
Friday, December 18, 2009

Need a little Christmas...

Brace yourself NYers, a BIG storm is coming, cue the "Winter Storm" logo on all major new stations and interviews with different salt truckers/plowers on their "preparations." Sorry if I seem a little Debbie Downer tonight but for some reason I'm just not feeling very jolly this season. Can't quite put my finger on it--it could be a few different reasons that I won't fully go into here--but I think it's a combination of everything. Missing some old friends, adjusting to my new apt, focusing on some life goals for next year, etc. I haven't done any traditional Christmas things this year whereas last year I was in full NYC cheesy tourist mode. Maybe tomorrow's pending storm is just what I need to catapult my holiday cheer.

I even tried to do some festive holiday shopping tonight but was immediately irritated--not by the crowds for once, but by the overeager sales clerks from The Body Shop. I was asked by no less than 6 employees if I was "finding everything OK" and their awkward hovering while I smelled different products reminded me of having someone read over my shoulder when I'm typing (a pet peeve of mine). One lady even said (in an obnoxious sing songy voice mind you), "what-cha DOin - trying to decide on scent--I know I know they all smell great!" Ugh--shut up lady I'm just trying to sniff some holiday cheer in the form of your "Merry Cranberry" lotion, and yes, I somehow wound up purchasing some Merry Cranberry lip gloss. Then I quickly made my way across the street to Bath & Body Works for a cheaper and better selection of random stocking stuffer products, and oh yeah, I bought some aromatherapy sheet spray which I am enjoying right now--I think it's working I feel slightly less stressed than usual...

Hopefully tomorrows snow will be the pretty fluffy peaceful kind that blankets the city and makes me feel alive and giddy. If so, I'll post some pics!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

2010--The List

FF mentioned recently that we should make a list of things we want do/accomplish in 2010. The list will not only consist of the tradional goals, resolutions, etc but also contain little things that for whatever reason we have not done, despite saying we have wanted to a million times. I'm making my own list here and hopefully his will be similar :)

Here goes...

1) Travel Internationally--My passport is ready, I read travel blogs daily and I've got a whole separate list of all my preffered destinations but I will be happy with one "out of North America' trip per year starting in 2010. I WILL DO THIS IN ONE!

2) Go to More Plays--I work walking distance to the theater district and live a subway ride away. There is just no excuse for not culture-ing it up more. Yes, theater tickets are pricey, but I actually just edited the title of this one from "Broadway Shows" to "Plays." Off-Broadway are probably awesome too, and there's deals on Broadway shows if you look for them.

3) Buy Stock--Random, I know but I think it's time to get into the stockmarket game. I mean I follow tech trends, have tons of brands I am passionate about and I live in NYC. Gotta get in the game! Any hot tips for me? :)

4) Cook more--This one actually requires a bigger kitchen and a lot more "supplies" but I would really love to learn how to cook and bake better and think this is something I would really enjoy once I have the right space.

Specific Places I want to go in 2010:

Musuems! (MoMa Tim Burton exhibit, the Met, etc.)

Weekend getaway in the Mountains (snowboarding, lodges, fireplaces--maybe upstate NY, VT, NH, etc)

Beach Vacay (hopefully to be tied in with my Number 1 'International Travel"

I will be back to add to this--this was just my random middle of the day on a Saturday start!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The tale of two New Yorks

This past weekend FF (that's my boyfriend--I figured he needed a code name already!) had some friends in town and I was reminded once again that there are two very different New Yorks. Don't get me wrong, I love them both--but in very different ways.

The first NY is the one I came to as a child--looking up at the buildings, visiting the tree and the statue of liberty, going to see shows and generally having a grand old time. The one that in my mind was this magical place that if I just lived in (see previous posts about wearing Easy Spirit walking shoes on the subway...), I would lead a fabulous, TV show-like life. This NY is for tourists and the wealthy. Some would say that the tourist's NY and the privileged NY are different--but after some thought, I think they are very similar. They both involve a carefree, breezy outlook on life here. Neither the tourist nor the Park Avenue Princess thinks about how much money they are spending, they only think about having a good time and enjoying the bright lights and big city. I myself lived in this NY for a while--while I was young growing up on LI and coming to the city for fun and excitement and I even lived in this NY when I worked part time in the city, commuting from LI and always enjoying my adventures in the city. I have since moved to "the other NY."

The other NY is just as fabulous if not more so than the NY I described above. The other NY is the real NY. The NY that Jay Z and Alicia Keys are really singing about in "Empire State of Mind." The NY that may be a struggle but you do it because you know at the end of the day, you are lucky to be living and working here. You live in the greatest city in the world and have opportunities that no one else has. In honor of this NY I have decided to start writing more about the fun things I do in my NY. The good thing about this city is there is something for everyone. The meatpacking district may not be my scene (and to be honest, even if I had all the money in the world, it probably wouldn't still wouldn't be my scene) but there are a million great things to do here that don't cost a million dollars and are just as amazing, inspiring and fun.

Check back often as I will begin to diligently record all the things I do and all the places I go both in and out of MY NY :)