
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Boycott Ends...

It's been over a month since my last post. Shame on me! Well I wrote that post at a hopeful time when I thought my next big thing was right around the corner. A month later here I am, still at a crossroads, still interviewing as if it's actually my job and still offering up my well rehearsed spiel to anyone who will give me a chance. I must admit I think I am starting to sound pretty good! Practice makes perfect I guess...

Anyway, I was putting off writing until I could announce some colossally exciting new title or that someone offered me a book deal, a column, anything! No such luck...yet :)

I'm still interviewing, picking up odd gigs, pimping myself out as a social media whiz, pr maven, brilliant writer etc. and waiting for someone to bite. I've met A LOT of cool people on my search so far. Some have been amazingly helpful and inspirational and some have made me question whether human decency and common courtesy exist at all anymore...

The funniest thing about interviewing for me is the little sayings or situations that have continually occured for me. For one thing, the standard procedures of "scheduled phone call" to deem you worthy of an in-person interview, followed by actual in-person interview, usually with an HR type, possibly if your special enough to be immediately (or not so immediately) followed by the coveted "second interview" with big wig, head honcho-decision maker, only to be followed by...silence. Yes, no response. No email. No phone call. Not even an old-fashioned rejection letter.

The kind-hearted souls that I have met in the business have explained to me the different reasons for this black hole of communication after a seemingly positive string of interviews. A) They aren't ACTUALLY hiring at this time B) They chose someone else but want to keep you on the back burner in case new person doesn't work out C) They REALLY didn't like you (I highly doubt that is possible though) D) They are just TOO busy to even respond with a one-lined email (this excuse seems really lame to me!)

So there you have it, this is what I've had to deal with at my current freelancer/consultant status. (editor's note, I'm totally getting one of those T-shirts that says, "I'm not unemployed, I'm a consultant!")

One other funny little tidbit is the actual scheduling of the interview. People always ask, "what's your availability? " or say "Why don't you check your calendar and get back to me?" It's like Hello, what do you think I do all day? You're right, let me check and see when I can squeeze you in between my leisurely breakfasts, people watching in the park, and watching Oprah. Obviously I am willing to come in anytime that is convenient for you because I am flexible, dedicated and a hard worker (really, I am, pick me, pick me!). I just find it funny when people ask me that, I mean I guess it's courteous and sometimes I may have something to do but at this point there is almost nothing that I couldn't reschedule for a great job opportunity.

I'm trying not to get discouraged but it's just frustrating knowing that I have the talent and would be an amazing asset to many of these companies. I can write, I am creative, I am passionate and dedicated, and I know what I'm doing when it comes to social media, public relations or anything online. If I am doing or saying something wrong in my interviews, I really wish someone would just tell me so I can fix it! Anyone have any pointers for me?