
Friday, May 30, 2008

Rachel Ray--Nuf Said

Oh my--so one of my top five least favorite people in the universe is getting way too much attention these days!

So the latest about my arch nemesis (and I'll get into why in a minute) is that she was wearing some sort of Muslim garb in a Dunkin Donuts commercial, bloggers caused a commotion and now the ad is gone. And NOW bloggers are still causing a buzz, condemning DD for backing down to the crazy people who think her scarf was some sort of hidden terrorrist symbol. My take? It wasn't terrorism related, it was just an ugly scarf! Read my previous posts if you don't already know how I feel about scarfs as a fashion accessory...this whole mess could have been avoided if the DD stylist had only chosen a cool choker instead of a lame scarf...

The best part of this story for me is that this morning, Ron Corning's replacement (who just became my new favorite person of the moment) totally dissed on Rachel Ray this morning not realizing that DD was one of their sponsors. It was hilarious, check it out on Gawker!

So why do I hate her? Well for starters, why is she famous??? I mean really, she's not even a real chef, and her perkiness is more than a little irritating. If that sounds petty, let me explain my legit reason...well you may recall a little show she had/maybe still has on the Food Network called $40 a Day. Basically she goes to a new town, and shares with viewers the "secret" to eating great on $40 a day. The show's title should have been, "$40 a Day NOT including tips" or perhaps "$40 a day for cheap, evil people who don't believe in 20% tips" (sorry that was my former waitress side talking!). Ms. Ray seems to think that $2 is pretty much the standard tip for any meal...and she conveniently calculates "tax and tip" together sending a message to all the cheapies watching her show that leaving a couple bucks no matter what your bill was it totally OK. I think that everyone should spend at least 6 months in the service industry. You really learn some valuable life skills. Besides how to tip properly, you learn social skills, creative cooking skills (you'd be surprised how many meals you can make out of bread, condiments and left over ingredients...) and tolerance. Tolerance for all the ignorant people out there that are rude (snapping your finger at your server is NEVER OK), dumb (I'm allergic to nuts, can I still eat the Peanut Butter Puff Pie..) or just plain crazy (Can I order a Pepsi with one splash Dr. Pepper, two splashes Orange and a floater of Gingerale...).

So to sum up...Dunkin Donuts should really get rid of A) the stylist who chose the stupid scarf to begin and B) Rachel Ray as a spokesperson because I believe that honest, hardworking people typically drink DD over say Starbucks and probably feel similarly about the fake-chef and would be turned off seeing her face all over their favorite coffee place...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Coffee and Margaritas (But not together...)

We all have our vices. The things that give us that extra kick in the morning or help us relax after a long day. The above noted are mine...well at least the ones I can mention here ;)

When my boss and I discovered the latest trend in blogging, "beta testing," we were psyched. When we found out we were going to get free coffee and all we had to do was drink it and write about it, we were beyond psyched. So here it is, my first review...and if any Tequila companies are reading this (especially Patron or Sauza Hornitos) I would be honored to drink lots of free samples from you and write wonderful things about you. Everyday. Thanks.

Ok so Joffrey's Coffee...

The flavor they sent me was called Jamaican me Crazy which instantly reminded me of this tasty dish that we used to serve at my old establishment called the Jamaican Me Crazy Mon, which was actually a Jamaican Jerk porkchop. Tourists used to get such a kick out of saying the full name when they ordered it, but I digress...

My roommate is very set in her ways. Every morning we make Maxwell House coffee and she flavors hers with French Vanilla creamer only. She does not stray from this so I knew I'd be on my own sampling my new fun flavor. I made it after she had safely left for work and was instantly drawn in by the smell. It smelled like syrup, or better yet, a full homemade waffle, syrup and coffee breakfast. It was a very welcoming and soothing smell as I was rushing to pour the coffee in my travel mug and run out the door, late as usual...

As I drank the coffee on my ride to work, it definitely made me feel invigorated and pumped for my day. The smell, the sweet and strong taste and the smoothness all contributed to its charm. The actual flavor is described as caramel, vanilla and coffee liquer. I wouldn't have been able to pinpoint the exact flavors that were melting in my mouth but they definitely made for a lovely combo. I sipped it all the way to my office and still had a little left as I got to my desk. A few minutes after I settled in, my office roomie asked "what's that smell, it smells like maple syrup in here!" I informed him it was Joffrey's coffee, a new flavor and he responded that it smelled awesome. It did indeed!

I still have a little Joffrey's left and I am now rationing it and saving it for a special morning or a special someone to share it with. Want to drink some with me? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Work Family

Pretty much every job I've had long term has come complete with what I like to call my "second family." Before I came to my current job, I was waitressing at a restaurant in Newport, RI where my coworkers were quite literally my extended family. I spent days, nights, weekends, holidays and everything in between with them. They were my roommates, my traveling buddies, my bar buddies and more. It's just the kind of relationship that comes with working so closely with people for a long period of time. And it is especially in my character to grow attached to people and feel extremely close to them very quickly if I feel a connection with them.

So now that I've been at my current job for a while, I can definitely say that I'm back in that "second family" phase with most of my coworkers. We work long hours and often spend time together at night and on the weekends, whether it's work related, social, or a little bit of both. Since my time there, I've shared an office with 5 different people, and seen many people come and go. Some made little impact on me (I won't mention any names here, I'll just call them "Bauren" and "Musan") and others will remain close friends for life. Some people tell me I'm too emotional, too dramatic or too sensitive, but personally I just think I have a love for meeting and getting to know new people, and I usually find interesting qualities that I admire in people from all walks of life. It kind of feels like an ironic cycle lately that goes something like this: Person I really love leaves, new person comes aboard who I try to hate for replacing old person, but 9 times out of 10, I grow to inevitably love new person and the cycle continues.

As I'm writing this I'm wondering if all the new people (or old timers for that matter) think I'm a complete nut. Luckily I can honestly say right now that I love all my second family these days. Despite all the mandatory office drama, politics and sometimes sheer ridiculousness, I think we have a great group of people and I find that everyone has their little idiosyncrasies that make them both unique and fabulous. Although I sometimes wish that things could stay the same forever, and that a few certain people were still part of my second family, I am going to really try to "embrace the change" from now on...

Saturday, May 10, 2008


As defined by Wikipedia: the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate when having conceived, especially while looking for something else entirely.

Serendipity seems very fitting to my life lately and after lunching there on Friday, I am embracing it full force.

I arrived to work on Friday morning, feeling the effects of the previous night's Media Meshing at Sweet and Vicious. The event was a great time and kept me out way past my curfew!

Friday was gloomy, cold and rainy, and everyone I encountered on my way to work looked equally as miserable. Hair a mess, eyes droopy, etc. As I tried to down a bagel and be productive (usually I have the office to myself on Fridays, but this Friday my VP was joining me to edit some video), my mind wandered to recent life events and how certain things have been playing out. I was actually in a totally spiritual, "everything happens for a reason" kind of mood when my VP, Kristie, suggested that we go to Serendipity for lunch that day. One mention of the frozen hot chocolate and I was sold. "A frozen hot chocolate could definitely brighten up this day," I thought.

A quick google search later, we discovered that they were indeed open for business again (we both remembered hearing something about an "infestation" there, but for the record it seemed very clean). After a full morning of video editing, we braved the sideways rain and set out on our mission. The walk would have only been about 10 minutes or so had it not been hail/wind/raining out so we decided we should get a cab. Ha, good one. Every cab was either occupied or suspiciously "off-duty." Not sure why so many cabs decide lunch hour on a rainy day is a good time to be "off-duty" but that's another story. Just as we were giving up hope of catching a ride, a cab literally stopped right in front of us at the Victoria's Secret store and someone who was apparently in dire need of some lingerie on a rainy afternoon jumped out. Score, we got a ride!

Lunch was a pleasant mix of catching up, sharing a frozen hot chocolate and eating monstrous BLT's. As we made the trek back to our office, this time giving in to the rain, I thought, "not a bad day, now if only I could feel my feet..."

Serendipity--great movie, yummy food and a good thing to believe in :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Domain Name Game

So today I was sitting at my desk at work, writing a press release, when I received a google alert that sent me into a frenzy for the rest of the day (if you think I'm kidding, ask my poor co-workers who had to endure my rambling!). What did the alert say? Well it announced to me that my name had appeared online. Yippee, who was writing about me in the blogosphere, I thought. Nope, to my sadness, it was ANOTHER Allie Herzog and the alert was to say that the domain name had been registered. Sadface, big sadface. That's my name! Now I am fully to blame for not purchasing this sooner, I had planned to several times but somehow it always slipped my mind. Upon further digging I discovered that there is acutally another Allie Herzog lurking around NY somewhere, and get this, she's a publicist too! Even stranger, she is my Facebook "friend." So now I'm basically stalking my namesake, and I NEED to know, did she buy it, and if so, can I have it back?? When I become famous someday, where will I post photos and fan mail? So, after some rational thought and talking it out, I figured I'd buy (take that other Allie!) and check out what else is available as well. informed me that yes was indeed taken but for just $1.99 I could have Dot name?? What the heck is that? No thanks go daddy...

So the lesson of the day here folks, if you don't already own your domain name, I would highly recommend buying it. It costs less than $20 a year and trust me, finding out somewhere, someone else with YOUR name now owns YOUR website is very sad--at least for a new media geek chic like me!

My next mission? I need to meet my future husband soon--if for no other reason than securing my married domain name!