
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Midweek thoughts-Blogging about blogs...

I always find myself posting blogs in the middle of the week, in front of my tv (watching Fox News then Seinfeld) and usually on one of my few free evenings when I could easily be laying on the couch and not touching my laptop. Impossible! I am openly and somewhat proudly addicted to my computer and all the treasures the internet has to offer. And not just because it's my job! I don't think I could go a night without checking my email, reading my favorite websites and blogs or googling something I heard about during the day. To spare myself the embarrassment, I won't say what, or rather who I had to pretend I was familiar with for a good hour long discussion the other night. Thankfully I made it through the conversation with my dignity still in tact and immediately came home to look up said topic on google and wikipedia...the conversation makes so much more sense now :)

Last night my boss Hilary Topper and I sat on a panel for the NYC Entrepreneur's Organization (she's a member, I was lucky enough to tag along) and spoke to a small group of business owners about utilizing blogs, social networking etc. (my favorite topic of discussion these days!) Everyone was interested in how to start their own blogs, what blogs to read, how to use facebook and linked in and more. One question that kept coming up was "when do you have the time for all this?" or "what will I write about on my blog?" The answer seemed so simple to me--write as often as you can about whatever moves you! When Hilary and I were talking about some of the topics we write about, I saw a few glances of skepticism around the table at first. But then I think people got it--the key to a good blog is to write about what you know, and what you're passionate about. Everyone has something to say, and once you start typing it out, you'd be surprised how easy it comes. I hope that my blogs are interesting and that people will keep reading them...but if I ever ramble on too long (as I tend to do sometimes...) feel free to let me know!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What happened to Ron?

So am I the only person who it took like three weeks to realize that Ron Corning just wasn't coming back from vacation?? I am avid watcher of Good Day NY and all Fox News in general but after researching the whereabouts of Ron, I must say I'm a little perturbed at the Foxers. According to the Daily News, Ron was let go, while he was on VACATION a few weeks ago. I remember one day they said, "filling in for Ron Corning is so and so," and then 3 weeks later I realized hey, he's either on a REALLY long vacay or he's been canned. Sadly, the latter is true :( Who fires someone while they're on vacation?? Especially someone as cute and lovable as Ron?! Ron Corning if you're out there, you are missed...I can't wait to watch you when you land your next gig!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Fever

Spring is in the air...

How do I ring in the season? Like every other American girl these days...I have gone on a diet and started running before work (come run with me on the Long Beach boardwalk!). Yesterday I waited on possibly the longest line EVER to purchase a 12 dollar salad from the delicious Chopt Salad on 56th. The line was laughably long and everyone was on their cell phones sharing the absurdity of the line with their friends. One women behind me joked that she wished the line led to cupcakes and not salad. Haha, nice. Another less pleasant women with a bad fake tan loudly complained on her cell phone about the line. "The first freakin nice day and all the sudden everyone wants a salad! I eat here everyday, this is bull sh*t!," she shouted. She then went on to declare that everyone on the line should just go get a cheeseburger and leave the salads to the truly healthy people like herself. Best part of this story? Tan-face ordered possibly the most unhealthy salad one could create. It involved steak, fried onions and EXTRA dressing (that she rudely demanded). She was a real joy...

Spring also means the start of baseball season (go Yankees), the promise of summer (the beach!) and the reappearance of those winter hibernators. You know the people you never see all winter long, who come out the first nice day looking all buff and tan for their warm weather debut. Well the rest of us were on the couch eating Chinese food, these select few were spending their winter months grooming for that first sunny day. Today was a balmy 75 degrees and the tank top wearers (both male and female) were out in full force. The good news? Summer can't be too far off :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I forgot my neckwear...

Another eye opening day in the big city!

The place: An overcrowded dining room at a hotel near Rockefeller Center
The time: 12:30 pm (a half hour late!)
The scene: A packed house of waif thin 20-something females separated by only a handful of males

As soon as I pried open the dining room doors to sneak into the luncheon without drawing too much attention to myself, I wished almost immediately that I hadn't. First, there was the daunting task of finding a seat in a room that was way too crowded. After switching seats twice, everyone was already staring at me but thankfully I was able to find my coworker and sit near her. Once I took out my notepad I found myself unable to stop taking notes, only I admit that shamefully I was not taking down key points from the speakers, but rather I was fixated on the people around me and how I stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb.

First off, I was one of the only people in a suit (my wonderful coworker Lisa was in one too--god bless her). I used to think suits were classy and perfect for all occasions, but apparently lace doilies and leggings are the new black suit. Second, I was definitely the only girl at my table without some sort of neck decoration, and no I don't mean a necklace. Apparently scarfs, fake turtle neck thingys and pashminas (sp?) are all the rage this month. I am a frequent scarf wearer during the winter months but I found it kinda strange that people felt the need for elaborate neck drapery in April. I wonder if there was some sort of email blast that went out to the fashionistas of the PR world but obviously I was not on this list!

About halfway into the luncheon I made the colossal mistake of pouring myself a glass of coke--NOTE I said coke and not diet coke. As I reached across the table to grab the unopened liter of coke I felt the eyes of a disapproving blond glaring at me. She was clearly one of the girls responsible for the empty diet coke bottle and was visibly appalled that someone would drink the dreaded regular coke! A quick look around the room showed a similar trend on every other table--diet coke empty, regular coke untouched. Does anyone appreciate a good coca-cola classic anymore??

Ok, I'll stop being petty now and mention that the poor speakers I was tuning out were actually pretty cool. Most interesting in my opinion were Stephen Baker from Business Week and Rachel Sklar from the Huffington Post. More of the same basic info that I am constantly being fed as the head of New Media at my firm but a good refresher nevertheless.

Switching gears a bit, I would like to briefly acknowledge one of my favorite companies of the moment. In an effort to be a "truthful and trusted blogger" I will admit upfront that they are also a client but this quick story is strictly personal! Enterprise Rent-A-Car is my hero of the week because my car is currently in the shop for a yet to be determined length of time, but because of my cute little Ford Cobalt courtesy of Enterprise, this little setback is a lot less stressful than it could have been. As the commercial states, they really did "pick me up," and they were super friendly in the process!

On a final note, I am very thankful that the congestion pricing plan did not pass. Today I drove from LI to NJ, from NJ to Manhattan, and then from Manhattan back to LI (well technically I didn't drive, Lisa did because my driving skills have been less than stellar lately...) but the cost was the equivalent to like 3 beers, or 1 martini in the city but still, we don't need any more fees Bloomberg, give us a break!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thoughts from the Dentist's Chair...

Been a while...I've been tired, cranky, crazy and busy, and although Ive had a rather eventful and "blogworthy" few weeks, I've realized that not everything should be posted online...To protect myself, my friends, my lovers, my enemies, my clients, and my coworkers, I promise to always "think before I blog" and not wreck anyone's lives (at least intentionally) by say, announcing their extra-marital affairs on my blog (just a random example--I swear!)

OK so anyway, today found me in a dentist's chair for the umpteenth time this year. After not having insurance for a few years, I was forced to go to the dentist when one of my teeth literally rotted out of my mouth a few months back. My dentist is a pretty nice guy, his receptionist is NOT. Yes, I have cancelled appointments, blatantly not shown up for others, and today, I arrived 27 minutes late (by her clock), but there's still no excuse for the death stares while I'm awaiting my torture. As I am writing this blog, my cheek feels like there is a flaming metal ball stuck inside it, or something else equally painful. Hopefully the percoset will kick in any minute now...

Here's my question of the day. When getting dental work done, do you keep your eyes open or closed? I know it's random, but I need to know! I usually keep mine open and watch TV or stare at the fake clouds on my doc's fluorescent lighted ceiling but today, shards of my decaying teeth literally sprayed me in the eye! I was forced to close them and it was almost relaxing, minus the drill sounds, taste of latex and throbbing pain. I am now committed to brushing my teeth 3-6 times a day, flossing diligently after dinner and gargling to the tune of happy birthday. Anything to keep me out of that chair after my remaining 6 cavities are filled!